Taylor Dixon and My Sensational Cookie were household names for many years due to their youth and amateur APHA accomplishments. Their diverse and breathtaking performances in events like Western Riding, Horsemanship, and all around events sealed their spot in horse show history.
Now a successful attorney in Dallas who has recently added equine transactional matters to her repertoire, Taylor finds herself using skills in her career that she learned while showing horses.
Catch up to her in the first of the web series, Where They Are Today!
My Sensational Cookie and Taylor Dixon topped the APHA lists for her youth and her amateur years, demonstrating the Paint Horse breed’s longevity and versatility and the grit, talent, and determination of Taylor.
When life threw her a curveball, however, it resulted in her most memorable achievements, she explains. “I have always felt blessed that I had the opportunity to show one of the great ones, My Sensational Cookie. Winning multiple world and reserve world titles and the Number One Youth 14-18 in 2014 were things I will never forget. But I will say, winning the Amateur Western Riding and being reserve in the Amateur Horsemanship at the 2017 APHA World Show were very important titles to me because earlier that year I had hip surgery, and we were unsure if I would be able to compete that year.”
Her preparation for the open and amateur World Show that year, held in November, was limited after the surgery, since she couldn’t ride until July, and even then, not for long periods until August.
“Our success that year was a testament to all the work we had put in over the many years we had been a team, to Rachele Scobie’s program, and to my family’s love and support. I will never forget how special that show was to me and to my entire team,” she says.
Career Aspirations
A law associate for Childers Hewett Slagle PLLC of Dallas, Taylor recently expanded her practice to include equine transactional matters.
Taylor explains she always had a passion for helping others, and when she was younger, like many horse-crazy girls, she wanted to be a vet. “Then when I got to college, I decided I wanted to be a doctor instead. However, I quickly learned that microbiology is not for everyone and that my skill set is more in line with reading and writing, and not with science. After changing my major three times during college, I learned that you did not have to have a specific major to apply to law school.”
She did her due diligence, already a sign she was destined for her chosen career. She says, “I then spoke with as many lawyers as I could and confirmed that I wanted to apply, and the rest is history. Long story short, I learned that being a lawyer was another way I could help others, but that was much more aligned with my skill set.”
Now an attorney at Childers Hewett Slagle PLLC in Dallas, Texas, she focuses her practice on oil and gas and title examination, and corporate real estate.
She recommends keeping your mind open to other careers or professions of interest that may seem outside of your comfort zone at first. “Being open to opportunities that are outside of your comfort zone can open a lot of doors,” Taylor explains. “If there is a career that sounds interesting to you, the best thing is to find someone who does what you want to do and ask all your questions. You may change your major in college three times like I did, but at the end of the day you will have learned a lot along the way, and you will have a great story to share.”
Horses In The Heart
Like all horse lovers, Taylor undeniably has horses in her heart, and with the support of her firm, she began to recently incorporate equine transactional matters into her practice.
“As many horse people know, it is hard to walk away from the horse industry,” she says. “Being able to promote good business practices within our industry is a great way for me to give back to the industry that is such a large piece of who I am.”
She’s currently working drafting agreements for veterinary practices, horse boarding agreements, horse training agreements, horse sale agreements, leases, and various other transactional documents to facilitate good business within the horse industry.
As one might suspect, she’s planning to show again soon, but she says, “As many in the
industry know, once you’ve owned a great one, it can be a challenge to find a new show partner. I am hoping to find that next special horse and show again very soon.”
The Stories Are True
When the horse show industry celebrates its youth, the skills learned by showing horses are always touted as prevailing reasons for their involvement, and for the investment.
Taylor explains that it’s all true.
“When you are a youth, or even a young amateur showing regularly, you think that during all those hours spent riding, you’re just preparing for that next show or learning how to perfect a certain maneuver. But at the core, you are learning to be intuitive, insightful, resourceful, and a true problem solver – all of which prepares you for your future career,” she reveals. “I find myself using so many skills during my career that I learned while showing horses. I am so grateful for all the horses I’ve shown, the people that have shaped me, and the experiences that I’ve had within this industry. I look forward to continuing to be involved within the horse industry both personally and professionally.”
Taylor Dixon Borst, Associate Attorney at Childers Hewett Slagle PLLC, can be reached for legal assistance with equine transactional matters at: tdixonborst@chspllc.com, or by calling 302-233-8648.