PHJ release by: Jessica Hein
A rule change passed by state directors at the 2021 APHA Convention in February now provides eligible Paint Horses with a third way to qualify for Regular Registry status. This rule—recommended by the Breed Integrity Advisory Committee—comes in addition to the existing registration rules already in effect, and was approved for early implementation.
The new RG-020.A.1.b rule—detailed below—goes into effect April 5, 2021. It is a viable option for eligible horses that are already registered with APHA (status change process applies) or for new horse registrations, provided the horses meet the requirements outlined below.
Any foal who does not otherwise meet the color requirements of RG-070.A-G and results from an APHA-registered sire to an APHA-registered dam, at least one of which is Regular Registry, with the foal having at least three generations of Paint bloodlines on one side beginning with the foal’s parents, will be registered in the Regular Registry with a pattern type listed as solid.
The Details
The new RG-020.A.1.b rule proves a pathway to Regular Registry for solid Paints who meet specific requirements and are the product of qualified Paint breeding. Once confirmed by APHA staff, these horses will be included in the APHA Regular Registry with a pattern type listed as “solid,” and they will be eligible to compete in Regular Registry APHA classes at approved competitions.
If a horse does not qualify for the Regular Registry through existing means—via qualifying white markings or through presence of eligible Paint pattern genetics and qualifying traits (in addition to APHA parentage requirements)—the new RG-020.A.1.b rule might allow that horse to earn Regular Registry status if the following conditions are met:
Per the new rule, the solid horse in question must first attempt to qualify for Regular Registry through existing means in RG-070.A-G (either through qualifying markings and/or the RG-070.E genetics + trait rule). If the solid horse has a qualifying Paint trait as outlined in RG-070.G, the horse must complete full color/pattern panel testing through an APHA-approved lab and submit those results to APHA for filing before RG-020.A.1.b. will become an option. If the solid horse does not qualify for the Regular Registry through other means (including presence of a Paint pattern gene and eligible trait), the horse may then be considered for Regular Registry advancement under RG-020.A.1.b.
The Advancement Process
First, make sure your horse meets the requirements:
Already Registered with APHA?
Horses with existing Solid Paint-Bred Registry papers can apply for a status change by submitting the following to APHA via postal mail (emailed/online submissions are not currently accepted):
New APHA Horse Registrations
If the horse is not already registered with APHA, you can include the following material with your registration submission:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How will this be noted on the horse’s certificate?
A: Horses qualifying for the Regular Registry under the new RG-020.A.1.b rule will have official registration certificates that show “Regular Registry” at the top and a pattern type as “solid.” The horse will also have remarks printed on the certificate below the pedigree section that indicate the horse qualified for Regular Registry under this new rule.
Q: What if I don’t want to complete DNA color/pattern testing on my horse?
A: This rule requires solid horses attempt to qualify for the Regular Registry through RG-070.A-G first; those rules include RG-070.E, which allows horses with one or two APHA parents to qualify for the Regular Registry if they have a Paint pattern gene and eligible Paint trait(s) as outlined in the rulebook. If your horse has a qualifying trait but you do not want to order/record DNA Color & Pattern Panel results with APHA, your horse will remain in the Solid Paint-Bred Registry until that requirement is satisfied.
Q: My solid Paint has an APHA show record/points/awards earned in Solid Paint-Bred classes. What happens if we advance to Regular Registry?
A: Points/titles/awards earned as a Solid Paint-Bred Registry horse remain intact, but any new points earned in Regular Registry events will be tallied under a new Regular Registry show record. Points earned as a Regular Registry horse do not combine with existing Solid Paint-Bred points for any purpose.
Q: What are some examples of horses who might or might not qualify for Regular Registry under the new RG-020.A.1.b rules?
A: Please see four examples below:
Solid Horse A has 2 APHA parents, one of which is APHA Regular Registry, and there are at least 3 connected generations of Paint breeding on at least one side of the pedigree (denoted in red bold text).
Example A)—Qualifies for Regular Registry under RG-020.A.1.b.
Solid Horse A has an APHA Regular Registry tobiano sire and an APHA solid dam. Because this horse has an APHA-registered sire and dam, has at least one Regular Registry parent (the sire in this case), and has at least three generations of Paint bloodlines (denoted in red bold type), this horse qualifies for Regular Registry under new APHA rules.
Solid Horse B has 2 APHA parents; the sire is Regular Registry and the dam displays at least 3 generations of connected Paint breeding.
Example B)—Qualifies for Regular Registry under RG-020.A.1.b.
Solid Horse B has an APHA Regular Registry overo sire and an APHA solid dam. Because this horse has an APHA-registered sire and dam, has at least one Regular Registry parent (the sire in this case), and has at least three generations of Paint bloodlines (denoted in red bold font), this horse qualifies for Regular Registry under new APHA rules.
Solid Horse C lacks 2 APHA parents and thereby does not qualify for this new pathway to Regular Registry via RG-020.A.1.b.
Example C)—Does not qualify for Regular Registry under RG-020.A.1.b.
Solid Horse C has an APHA Regular Registry overo sire and an AQHA dam. Since the horse does not have two APHA-registered parents, rule RG-020.A.1.b. cannot be used for this horse.
Solid Horse D has 2 APHA parents, but lacks the 3 generations of Paint breeding. Therefore, this horse cannot use rule RG-020.A.1.b. for Regular Registry consideration.
Example D)—Does not qualify for Regular Registry under RG-020.A.1.b.
Solid Horse D has an APHA overo sire and dam, but does not meet the three-generation pedigree requirement. Rule RG-020.A.1.b. cannot be used for this horse.