The Lonestar Gathering Kicks Off Today- Watch the Live Feed

The Lonestar Gathering kicks off today in Forth Worth, Texas and includes a variety of competitions. The event will take place September 27 – October 3, 2021.
- APHA Weanling Halter World Championships
- APHA Platinum & Gold Breeders’ Futurity Halter Classes
- WCHA Breeders’ Championship & Big Money Halter Futurities
- The Lone Star Gathering Collegiate Judging Contest
- The Lone Star Gathering Collegiate Ranch Competition (All-Breed)
- The Lone Star Barrel Race (All-Breed)
- The Lone Star Western Gift Show
Stay tuned for results, courtesy of An Equine Production, at the conclusion of the event.
Click here to watch the live feed.