South Carolina Quarter Horse Association’s Southern Gold Classic (February 28-March 2) has teamed up with Premier Sires again to offer 6 Premier Sires Futurity Classes, both open and non-pro – ALL AGE Trail, Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle with $1000 Added to each class.
We will also offer 3 Premier Magazine classes including All breed/All Age Showmanship, Horsemanship and Equation with $500 Added and $100 to the highest placing Green Horse. In addition to the Premier Classes there will be $1000 Added in the Green Ranch Riding, $500 Added in the Amateur Ranch Riding $250 Added in the Youth Ranch Riding. We also have $200 Added in the All Age All Breed Walk Trot.
The AQHA Show is 4 judges with great prizes including All-Around awards, and drawings for a Harris Leather Show Halter, Rod Patrick Boots Gift Certificates, Rivers Run Show Pad Gift Certificate, and lots more.
Last year we gave out over $15,000 in money and prizes!
Our goal is to provide a great weekend horse show with great prizes and lots of fun!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!