Early Entries in the THE REINER, CUTTER, COW HORSE AUCTION include proven horses for Ranch Riding, Reining and Ranch Sorting like: DUNNIT TOPSAILING (AQHA) 2005 gelding (Dunnit In Hollywood x Commercial Sails) 2 Time CONGRESS RESERVE CHAMPION – 2016 NRHA Limited Open Reining & 2014 NSBA Ranch Riding; 7th AQHA National TOP TEN 2014 All Age Ranch Riding; 6th 2016 Congress Sr Ranch Riding; $4,301.56 NRHA, AQHA, NSBA, NRCHA; AQHA Open points – 147.5 Ranch Riding, 32 Reining, 2 Cow Horse, .5 Green Trail ; Qualified for 2017 AQHA World Show in Sr. Ranch Riding, Sr. Reining and Level 2 Sr. Reining; Qualified on points for the 2016 AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse World Show in Ranch Riding, Ranch Reining and Ranch Trail and has also earned VRH class points in Ranch Cow Work and Ranch Cutting; GUNNER GOT OUT (AQHA/APHA) 2007 gray gelding (Colonels Smoking Gun x Mis Taris Rey) NRHA $2,815.97, AQHA Open ROM with 13.5 Reining and 11 Ranch Riding points; Amateur ROM with 21.5 Ranch Riding and 2 Reining points plus 1.5 Youth Reining points; East Regional Level 1 Championship Show Reserve Champion Select Ranch Riding and BOH HIGH CAL ADA (AQHA) 2010 mare (High Caliber Hickory x Playboy Dual Etta ) $3500+ in LTE in MNSCHA (Minnesota Sorting Cow Horse Association) 2014 Reserve Champion MNSCHA JR Horse Year End Standings. 2015 #6 MNSCHA Top Ten in Horse Earners and 8 year old son was third in MNSCHA JR Youth (13 yr old and under) 2016 their 8-year- old daughter was 4th in the MNSCHA JR Youth. 2016 RSNC World show the husband won 6th in the Beginner Rookie and earned 8th place in the nation in the Novice division. This sale day also includes some very nice prospects and broodmares.
The August INTERNET Auction includes a very nice show horse from HAYLO FARM in Ocala, Florida, IM IRRESISTIBLE (AQHA) 2014 gelding (RL Best OF Sudden x Betcha Bita Chip) he is ready to continue to the show ring and expand into All Around events, as well as a really neat Halter mare; IMA CLASSIC TE (AQHA) 2004 buckskin mare (Kids Classic Style x Ms Cool Sierra) AQHA 46.5 Open Halter points with 11 Grands and 17 Reserves and 33.5 AQHA Amateur points with 11 Grands and 12 Reserves; AQHA Region Nine Experience Champion Open and Amateur Aged Mare.