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Rule Change Makes Registering Cropouts With APHA Easy

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Photo courtesy of APHA.

Photo courtesy of APHA.

PHJ press release by: Jessica Hein

Though APHA has been registering cropout Paints—those colorful stock horses with Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred lineage only—since 2012, it’s now easier than ever to register these horses with APHA. Thanks to a new rule change, cropout Paints must meet the same color-registration guidelines as horses with at least one Paint parent. Under the new guidelines, which go into effect immediately, more cropouts will be eligible for APHA registration.

Previously, cropouts were eligible for APHA registration, but they had to meet more stringent color requirements than horses with at least one Paint parent. At the 2015 APHA Convention, the association’s Board of Directors voted to pass rule RG-070, which streamlined the association’s requirements to qualify for the Regular Registry. The directors also approved early implementation of this rule, which went into effect earlier this month.

Now to qualify for the Regular Registry, Paints—regardless of lineage—must have a natural Paint marking that extends more than two inches above the center of the knee or hock, or beyond an imaginary line that extends from the base of the ear to the outside corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth and under the chin.

APHA Director of MemberCare Theresa Brown, who is also part of the APHA Registration Review Committee, says these guidelines will help improve the number of cropout Paints being registered by APHA.

“I have, on average, one cropout a day that crosses my desk for color consideration,” she said. “Under the previous cropout registration rules, many of those horses were turned away because the color requirements were very hard to meet. I expect the number of new cropout registrations and applications to increase with the new color requirement for those horses.”

 Spit Curl Heat, a 2014 sorrel colt by Spit  Curl Jess (QH) and out of Pure Corona  Heat (QH), was originally not eligible for  APHA registration; under the new cropout guidelines, however, the colt's leg white  makes him eligible for the Regular Registry.Photo courtesy of APHA.

Spit Curl Heat, a 2014 sorrel colt by Spit
Curl Jess (QH) and out of Pure Corona
Heat (QH), was originally not eligible for
APHA registration; under the new cropout
guidelines, however, the colt’s leg white
makes him eligible for the Regular Registry. Photo courtesy of APHA.

Consistency in APHA’s registration requirements has a number of benefits. First, because more horses will be eligible for APHA registration, it will help increase APHA’s market share in the industry. These guidelines help reduce confusion among horse owners regarding APHA registration requirements, and they will also help provide a valuable revenue stream to the association through registrations, transfers and memberships. These cropout horses are a valuable addition to the APHA industry—they likely carry color-producing genes that might be passed on to their offspring, making them valuable additions to Paint breeding programs as well as the show ring.

As of January 1, cropout registration fees have also been reduced; current fees are:

  • 0–90 days after foaling or by June 30 of year foaled (whichever is later): $70 (member rate, online)
  • July 1–September 30 of year foaled: $80 (member rate, online)
  • October 1–December 31 of year foaled: $95 (member rate, online)
  • Yearling Year & Older: $150 (member rate, online)

*See 2015 Official APHA Rule Book for the complete fee schedule, including member mail-in rate and non-member fees

Registering your cropout is easy—submit your registration online at, print a registration application online at or contact a MemberCare representative at (817) 222-6423. Check out our online registration how-to video on to save the most money on your cropout registration. Got questions? Our APHA MemberCare team is always ready to help; contact them at (817) 222-6423.

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