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Ride America Joins Forces With Paint Alternative Competition Program

Filed under: Club & Show News,Club and Show News |     
Image courtesy of APHA.

Image courtesy of APHA.

PHJ press release by: Jessica Hein

APHA has a host of programs that recognize and reward equestrian who enjoy their Paint Horses outside the realm of APHA-approved shows. New for 2016, two of those programs—Ride America and Paint Alternative Competition—are joining forces.

As of January 1, 2016, APHA’s Ride America program will become part of APHA’s Paint Alternative Competition program—this move will help expand participation in recreational riding by awarding PAC credits for hours spent riding or driving one’s Paint Horse and provide additional year-end and incremental recognition awards to participants.

PAC will feature two new categories in 2016: Recreational Riding and Youth Recreational Riding. Horses must be enrolled in PAC annually to log credits, and the rider and horse owner must be current APHA members.

For every 25 hours logged, the horse will earn ​one PAC credit, recorded on his lifetime performance record. At 100 hours, the horse will earn a patch and certificate; at 500 hours—20 credits—a PAC Certificate of Recognition is awarded, and at 1,500 hours—60 credits—a PAC Certificate of Achievement is presented to the horse owner. Those reaching the coveted 10,000-hour mark will receive a Superior Achievement award and special recognition from APHA. Year-end awards will also be presented for these categories.

PAC credits will be awarded for all logged hours spent riding or driving; however, the same hours cannot be accrued for recreational riding and any other PAC category at any one time. For example, if credits are earned for competing and placing at a horse show in trail, the same hours spent riding in that competition cannot be submitted for recreational riding credits.

The annual PAC enrollment fee is $30 per horse—if enrolling two or more Paints, that fee is discounted to $27.50 per horse. That enrollment provides annual eligibility to earn credits in any or all PAC categories. Both Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred horses are invited to participate in PAC. Enroll online at

Paint Alternative Competition offers ​more than 40 categories in which Paint Horses can earn credits and year-end awards. Available PAC categories include:

*4-H Halter
*4-H English
*4-H Dressage
*4-H Showmanship English
*4-H Showmanship Western
*4-H Timed Events
*4-H Western
Barrel Racing – Exhibitors 19 & Over (Restricted to Cloverleaf)
Youth Barrel Racing (Restricted to Cloverleaf)
Color Class
*Dressage – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Dressage
English Pleasure – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth English Pleasure
Equitation- Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Equitation
*Combined Training/Eventing
Games – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Games
Halter – Exhibitors 19 & Over (not to include Color classes)
Youth Halter (not to include Color classes)
Disability Classes (Competitions approved by a nationally recognized organization such as NARHA)
Over Fences
Recreational Riding – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Recreational Riding
Showmanship – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Showmanship
Team Penning
Timed Events – Exhibitors 19 & Over (restricted to pole bending, barrel racing other than cloverleaf, stakes racing, goat tying)
Youth Timed Events (restricted to pole bending, barrel racing other than cloverleaf, stakes racing, goat tying)
Trail – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Trail
Walk-Trot – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Walk-Trot
Western Pleasure – Exhibitors 19 & Over
Youth Western Pleasure
Western Riding
Working Cow Horse
Working Ranch Horse
Yearling Performance

*Credits are awarded as directed per category scoring criteria; however, for tabulating methods only, placing and entry numbers will appear on the record.

For more information about PAC, please visit or contact Karen Utecht by email or 817-222-6444.

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