REMINDER: Quarter Horse Congress Entries Are Due Monday, August 25th!

It’s that time of year again… time to prepare your entries and stall reservations for the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress! The Congress is scheduled for October 2-26 in Columbus, Ohio.
Helpful Information:
- OQHA no longer requires one payment per agent, therefore, individual checks or credit card information may be submitted for multiple entries. However, entries must be submitted in one packet in order to be stalled together.
- Don’t forget that a copy of the horse’s current registration papers and membership cards are required to process entries.
- Novice exhibitors should print out point levels from the AQHA website.
All entries for the Congress must be postmarked by next Monday, August 25th, 2014.
Click here to view more information about Congress entries.
Click here to download the Congress entry book.
Click here to download an entry form.