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PQHA Summer Kick-Off Quarter Horse Show Was a Hit With Approx. 4,000 Entries

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All photos courtesy of Rita McMullen.

Leadline exhibitor “Tiger” Kenidee Thomas of Berwick, PA. All photos courtesy of Rita McMullen.

By: Rita McMullen

The PQHA Summer Kick-Off show, held May 29-31 in Centre Hall, PA, started Friday evening with Trail classes that boasted almost 100 entries. Four sets of points were offered and most exhibitors were happy that the majority of the show was held on Saturday/Sunday, which was an attractive option for youth who were still in school and exhibitors who didn’t have to miss additional work days due to a longer show circuit.

“We saw an increase in entries from 2014 in almost every class except for Western Pleasure, which was due to heavy rain and a late show day,” says Terri Clark, PQHA Show Secretary. “Our show ended on Sunday night at 9:30 PM with just shy of 4,000 entries, a 6% increase from 2014, which is quite an accomplishment for a weekend show.”

“We’re so pleased with the show numbers and the steady increase of this show,” says Carla Weaver, PQHA President. “This show has only been part of the PQHA show circuit for six years. We were a little nervous when we agreed to take on an additional show, but with the partnership we have with the Centre County Grange Fair Equine Park, we continue to receive positive comments and success. We are so grateful to have a covered show arena, especially when we experience less than favorable weather conditions.”

New barn construction is underway!

New barn construction is underway!

Construction is currently underway for a new 300 by 96 foot, 150 stall barn next to the covered arena. The expected completion date is in July.

Ranch Riding classes continue to be a draw for exhibitors, and PQHA is also offering an extra incentive with a Ranch Riding Series Champion in 2015. Due to a generous sponsor donation, there will be a cash award in all three divisions to exhibitors who show at all three PQHA sponsored shows in 2015. Specific details are available at Junior Western Pleasure will also have a Series Champion incentive starting at the July circuit; additional details are available at

PQHA Show Manager, Ed Campbell, spoke about the large class sizes at the Summer Kick-Off, with some reaching over 30 entries per class.

“This was an excellent show,” he says. “Our numbers were incredible. I believe it to be one of the best shows in PA in May. It’s a pleasure to work with this association because of the excellent PQHA management and staff, who are mostly volunteer. I believe with the continued improvements, including the new 150 stall barn, Centre County Grange Fair Equine Park will become a premier show facility in the northeast. The PQHA Board is dedicated and committed to providing a first-class show and exhibitor friendly experience for their exhibitors.”

Check out some of the largest class sizes of the show:

  • Amateur Performance Halter Geldings- 17
  • Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation- 17
  • Youth Performance Halter Geldings- 18
  • Novice Amateur Western Pleasure- 19
  • Amateur Hunter Under Saddle- 21
  • Senior Hunter Under Saddle- 21
  • Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle- 24
  • 14-18 Youth Hunter Under Saddle- 25
  • Novice Amateur Horsemanship- 25
  • Green Hunter Under Saddle- 26
  • Novice Youth Showmanship- 28
  • Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle- 29
  • Novice Amateur Showmanship- 32
  • Amateur Showmanship- 33
  • 14-18 Showmanship- 33
Trainer Jennifer Norleen, amateur Amanda Diamond, and Wayne Diamond with "Moe Te."

Trainer Jennifer Norleen, amateur Amanda Diamond, and husband Wayne Diamond with “Moe Te.”

First-time PQHA exhibitor, Amanda Diamond, came to the show from Harrington, DE. “This was our first time showing at this facility, and it’s just beautiful,” she says. “We will plan to return. The PQHA show staff are so friendly and accommodating to their exhibitors.”

Diamond and her 4-year-old gelding, “Moe Te,” and trainer, Jennifer Norleen, were able to take home some points in Halter classes. Diamond is qualified for the AQHA World Show and has a goal to attend the AQHA Novice World Show in Virginia in October.

Shane Young, a trainer from Yadkinville, NC. doesn’t mind making the eight-hour trip to attend PQHA shows. For this event, Young brought three horses and clients who were looking for some qualifying points. “We love the facility and the show staff and management are so accommodating. It’s always a big show with lots of points available. I plan to return to the July show with 12 to 13 horses and clients,” Young adds.

Tayler Elchynski of Corry, PA.

Tayler Elchynski of Corry, PA.

Despite their small size, competitors in Leadline and Small Fry classes are always a “big deal” at the PQHA shows. Tayler Elchynski, a 10 year-old Small Fry exhibitor from Corry, PA., competes with her mare, She’s a Shy Chex, aka “Cheyenne.”

“It’s fun to show,” Tayler says. When asked what she’s most excited about this show season, she said competing at the Quarter Horse Congress in October for the first time. Tayler is off to a good start. She showed in Small Fry Trail, Equitation, Western Pleasure, and Showmanship and was the High Point Small Fry exhibitor at the show. Tayler loves her trainers, Jim and Linda Becker, and credits them with her success. PQHA wishes the best of luck to Tayler in 2015.

Happy Retirement Cake for Scotty.

Happy Retirement Cake for Scotty.

Additional special recognition was given to Martha Fabry, a Select exhibitor who showed her gelding, New Lark in Town, at his final horse show. “Scotty” is retiring from the Quarter Horse show ring with over 2,000 AQHA lifetime points. A round of applause after his final performance was followed by a celebratory cake in Scotty’s honor.

Replogle Barn Bacehlorette Party

Replogle Barn Bacehlorette Party

There was also time set aside for some fun at the PQHA Kick-Off. Several birthdays were celebrated at the show as well as a surprise Bachelorette Party for Rebecca Brunecz, assistant trainer for Rhonda Replogle Quarter Horses.

“I was so surprised and overwhelmed by my horse show family,” she says. “I really enjoyed it, and I think fun was had by all.” Rhonda Replogle adds, “My clients work hard to show their horses and we like to play hard too. It was the perfect time to have everyone together.” Rebecca will become Mrs. Kyle Luther on June 6th. PQHA wishes Rebecca and her new hubby happy wedded bliss.

PQHA will return to the Centre County Grange Fair Equine Park for their Novice & Mid-Summer Madness show, July 15 -19th. Six full AQHA shows and over $10,000 will be presented in addition to cash and prizes. There will be many exhibitor friendly events as well. Stall reservations and details can be found at

Click here to view complete show results.

High Point Results: 

Small Fry  –  Tayler Elchynski and Sheza Shy Chex

Rookie Youth – Brooke Herman and Zippos Royal Image (won tie breaker)

Rookie Amateur – Janet Petnik and Fudges Glamourgirl

Novice Youth – Kayla Kimble and Cowboys Image

Novice Amateur – Lindsey Williams and Excape E

Youth 13 & Under – Rickie Bryner and Good N Only

Youth 14 – 18 – Lauren Lloyd and Rising Shadow

Select Amateur – Brenda Ackerman and A Krymsun Chevy

Amateur – Lisa Williams and a Fine Yellow Rose

Open – Steven Lord and Zippos Cash Award

Scroll below to view more fun photos courtesy of Rita McMullen.

Lacey Hotchkiss and Certainly It's Luv get ready for Amateur Showmanship.

Lacey Hotchkiss and Certainly It’s Luv get ready for Amateur Showmanship.

Ava Specht

Ava Specht

Rebecca Brunecz Bachelorette and assistant trainer at Rhonda Replogle Quarter Horses.

Rebecca Brunecz Bachelorette and assistant trainer at Rhonda Replogle Quarter Horses.

Final Trail class for New Lark In Town with Martha Fabry.

Final Trail class for New Lark In Town with Martha Fabry.

Horse show hugs from Kennedy Harper and Corbyn Loner to "Savannah," owned by Lisa Witherite.

Horse show hugs from Kennedy Harper and Corbyn Loner to “Savannah,” owned by Lisa Witherite.

Horse Show Dad Crandall Nyweide

Horse Show Dad Crandall Nyweide

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New barn construction is underway!

New barn construction is underway!

Horse Show Dad Jeff Good of East Berlin, PA/

Horse Show Dad Jeff Good of East Berlin, PA/

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