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Meet 2020-2021 AjPHA Executive Committee Candidates

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PHJ release by: Megan McMullen

APHA is excited to introduce the following 2020-2021 AjPHA Executive Committee candidates; the AjPHA Executive Committee positions will be selected by an online vote by AjPHA national directors (details coming soon to national directors via email).

Questions? Contact Megan McMullen at

Alexis Hollenweger
Positions: Secretary, Zone 7 Representative
Slogan: Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Future

Alexis has been showing Paint Horses since she was just 3 years old. Outside of APHA, Alexis is involved with 4-H and the New Jersey Horse Association. She enjoys basketball, softball, jiu-jitsu, and hunting. Alexis also helps at her Regional Animal Shelter and is on the National Juniors Honor Society. As an AjPHA officer, she hopes to create more youth opportunities and activities at APHA shows by creating an advertising campaign that demonstrates how youth can get more involved.

Anna Thron
Position: Zone 5 Representative
Slogan: Always remember your original passion for horses

Anna has been a member and showing with APHA since she was 7 years old. She has also been involved with the Minnesota North Star Paint Horse Club, 4-H and WSCA. Outside of horses, Anna enjoys hockey, tennis, skiing and swimming. She also volunteers at Feed My Starving Children and Operation Christmas. As an officer, she would like to see more people involved at APHA shows and she would achieve this by creating more activities at Zone 5 shows.

Avery Maxwell
Positions: Vice President, Zone 3 Representative
Slogan: “Splash the world with a little Paint”

Avery has been an active AjPHA member for six years and she has attended the Youth Leadership Conference for 3 consecutive years. She is a President for the Johnson County 4-H and is involved with Kansas Paint Horse Youth Club. Avery has also volunteered for three years with the New Horizon Therapeutic Riding Ranch. She has enjoyed the Youth Leadership Conference and as an officer she would like to continue her involvement with the AjPHA National Convention. She would also like to explore ways to promote and grow the Solid Paint-Bred Registry.

Carly Rothfuss
Positions: Vice President, Zone 3 Representative
Slogan: For success, choose the best. Vote for Carly!

Carly has been involved with Paint Horses most of her life as her mother and grandmother have shown with APHA. She has also been involved and active with 4-H, FFA, IEA, YEDA, SCCHA and EKHA. When she is not doing horse-related activities, she enjoys choir, babysitting and playing various sports. She also is helps out in her community with Ag Olympics and garden cleanup. If she were to be on the AjPHA EC, she would like to see more unity and youth involved by having regular calls with the AjPHA National Directors and follow up with ideas from the Youth Leadership Conference.

Cody Dulin
Positions: President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 1 Representative
Slogan: Paint the Trail Together

Cody has been an active Paint Horse member for the past six years. Outside of APHA, Cody is involved with the Painted Pony 4-H Club, Vallivue FFA and horse judging. He is also interested in welding, hunting and fishing as well as volunteering at his church and being an assistant coach for the Idaho Special Olympics. As an officer, Cody would like to see more AjPHA members engaged and involved in the association. He would accomplish this by reaching out to the existing AjPHA members and AjPHA clubs to find unique ways to get member active and learning about the opportunities APHA has to offer.

Emily Coggins
Positions: Treasurer, Zone 9 Representative
Slogan: You can acCOUNT on me

Emily has been involved with Paint Horses since she was 10 years old. With APHA, she has been an AjPHA National Director for two years and has held a Zone Representative position. Emily has been a member of the Palmetto Paint Horse Club and the Georgia Paint Horse Club. She has also competed in horse judging, quiz bowl and plans to run for an officer position with their newly formed horse and pony club. Outside of horses, Emily run varsity cross country and plays basketball while being a member of the National Honors Society. As an officer, she would like to increase participation in youth events at APHA shows by reaching out to various communities and schools.

Katharina Weber
Position: Zone 12 Representative
Slogan: Dream Big

Katharina has grown up showing Paint Horses. She has been an AjPHA National Director and held a position on the AjPHA Executive Committee. When she not showing APHA, Katherina like to read, draw, and work at her father small animal clinic. Katherina would like to see more AjPHA members connected from around the world by creating an internet or social platform that youth could interact with other members.

Katie Leonarski
Positions: Treasurer, Zone 7 Representative
Slogan: Like a good horse, Katie is there

Katie has been showing with APHA since she was 7 years old and attended her first APHA Youth World Show when she was just 8 years old. While she has been showing with APHA, Katie has also been an AjPHA National Director for 5 years. She has also shown with PtHA and AQHA as well as taken on leadership with a small 4-H Club. At school, Katie is on the Student Council, Yearbook Committee, plays volleyball and helps with the newspaper. Her goal for AjPHA is to bring in new members to Zone 7. She would accomplish this by promoting APHA at the other organization she is involved in.

Kimberly Laue
Positions: Zone 7 Representative
Slogan: Pursuing participation and Paint passion

Kimberly has been a Paint Horse member for six years now. With APHA, Kimberly has had the opportunity to participate in youth contests, hold a position as an AjPHA National Director, serve in the Virginia Junior Paint Horse Club and attend the Youth Leadership Conference. She has also been involved with 4-H where she participates in horse judging and hippology. Outside of horses, Kimberly participates in other leadership roles as President of the Frederick County Youth Council, President of the Honor Society, and the Varsity Volleyball Captain. As an officer, Kimberly would like to see a mentorship program be developed between the AjPHA members and APHA Professional Horseman in a physical or virtual capacity.

Kirstin Dahl
Positions: Vice President, Treasurer
Slogan: Paint a Bigger Future

Kirstin is a longtime AjPHA member that has been showing Paint Horses since she was 7 years old. Kirstin is also a member of her high school FFA chapter where she is currently an officer. Outside of horses, she enjoys playing basketball and is a part of her schools Gifted and Talented Program. Kirstin also volunteers at her church, hospital, and local schools. As an AjPHA EC member, she would like to see more youth involved with AjPHA. She plans to accomplish this by going out into the community and informing youth about the opportunities APHA has to offer.

Kynlee Curry
Positions: Vice President, Zone 4 Representative
Slogan: You are never too young to change the world!

Kynlee has been an AjPHA Member since she was only 4 years old showing in the lead line. With APHA, Kylee has been on the board of the Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club, an AjPHA National Director and recently was selected for Game Changers Program. She also helps at the Joyride Center Therapeutic Horsemanship Program and holds various leadership titles and awards with her high school. As an officer, she would strive to give youth a deeper understanding of the opportunities APHA has to offer. She would do this by being a good example to younger members and actively show others how to get involved.

Riley Francis
Positions: Zone 8 Representative
Slogan: Don’t misstep, vote for Riley Zone 8 rep!

Riley is an involved AjPHA member that has been showing APHA for the past four years. While showing with APHA, Riley has been an AjPHA National Director and attended the Youth Leadership Conference. She has also served as a Secretary for the Michigan Junior Paint Horse Club and is the current President. Outside of APHA, Riley plays basketball at her school and competes with the Interscholastic Horse Association as well as IEA. As an officer, Riley’s goal is to get more involvement in the Michigan Youth Club both locally and nationally.

Ruby Voortmeyer
Positions: President-Elect, Zone 2 Representative
Slogan: What you ride is what you get. How you ride is who you are

Ruby has been an involved AjPHA member for 13 years. While with APHA, Ruby has been an AjPHA National Director, served as the AjPHA Treasurer and Zone 1 Representative. She is also the current President of the Utah Junior Paint Horse Club. Ruby has participated in the APHA E-Shows and has been recently selected for the Game Changers Program. When she is not showing her Paint Horse, Ruby runs cross country, plays the piano and skis. She is a member of the FFA, the National Honors Society and the Spanish Honors Society. As an officer, Ruby would like to see a social network easily accessible to all AjPHA members to communicate and connect. She would also like to see the APHA’s HorseIQ platform become more inclusive to youth member and have segments/courses for youth.

Sabine Lazo
Positions: Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 4 Representative
Slogan: Vote Sabine to bring experience to the team!

Sabine has been showing AjPHA since she was only 5 years-old and during her time with APHA she has served as an AjPHA National Director and has been a part of the AjPHA Executive Committee for multiple years. She is also an active member with her APHA regional club and part of her local 4-H Club where she is currently serving as secretary. Sabine is a part of the Business Professionals of America, serving as president for her local chapter, and has logged nearly 500 hours of community service with Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society. As an officer, Sabine would like to assist with the Presidential Project and brainstorm youth involvement ideas with fellow AjPHA EC members. Whether it is increasing involvement through youth contests or even personal outreach, Sabine is ready to help grow the association.

Treylyn Hancock
Positions: Vice President
Slogan: I Do What Needs To Be Done!

Treylyn has been involved with APHA her entire life as her family has always shown Paint Horses. This past year Treylyn was named the AjPHA Member of the Year and has recently been selected to join the Show and Contest Committee for the AjPHA Game Changer Program. When she is not showing her Paint Horses, Treylyn is a member of Caney Creek 4-H where she enjoys competing in educational presentations and other various community involvement. She is also a member and officer of the Needville FFA. As an AjPHA officer, Treylyn would like to see more youth involvement by having conference/video calls for youth that can not attend the convention.

The AjPHA Executive Committee positions will be selected by an online vote and only AjPHA National Directors will be allowed to vote.

Questions? Contact Megan McMullen at

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