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Meet 2019 AjPHA Youth Leadership Candidates

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PHJ release by: Mikalah Marbach

Meet the amazing youth who are running for a spot on the AjPHA Executive Committee. AjPHA National Directors can cast their votes online June 30–July 8; results will be announced the week of July 8. Candidates can campaign beginning June 22 and during the Youth World Championship Show—all candidates are invited to give a speech during the AjPHA Youth Convention (June 30 at the Youth World Show in Fort Worth, Texas), and those speeches (live and pre-recorded) will be distributed to voting national directors thereafter. Come meet the candidates during the 2019 Youth World Show’s Youth Exhibitors Party on July 1 and the Ice Cream Party on July 2.

Mannetta McAvaddy, 16
Vineland, New Jersey
Position: President

Mannetta has been involved with Paints for 14 years and has been showing on the APHA circuit for the past six years. Mannetta has served AjPHA for the past five years as a national director and served on the executive board for three years. She is also involved in the Garden State Paint Horse Club and volunteers by making blankets, donating coloring books and crayons to a children’s hospital, donating supplies to a women’s shelter and making cards for a veteran’s home. In her spare time, Mannetta likes to play soccer and runs track and field. She also participates in National Honor Society, Executive Student Council, Natural Helpers, Interact Club, U Got Brains, 4-H, International Equestrian Association, and competes on the Equine Science team and the Saddlebrook Equestrian Team.

“I would like to see a 15 percent increase in the Youth national directors, get five new international directors/ Zone representatives and raise money for another scholarship for someone to attend the Youth Leadership Conference,” she said.

Madison Martin, 16
Evington, Virginia
Positions: President-Elect, Secretary, Zone 7 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Reach for the Champion Within”

Madison has been involved with Paint Horses for the past eight years; she has served as the vice president of the Virginia Junior Paint Horse Club for three years and secretary for two years. Madison has also been the secretary for the AjPHA Executive Committee for two terms. Outside of AjPHA, Madison is the president for her county horse club, where she has served as an officer for five years. Madison enjoys playing her saxophone and competing in scholastic bowl and debate teams. At her school, she is the president of both Jefferson Forest Young Republican’s Club and French National Honor Society, and a member of National Honor Society. In Madison’s spare time, she volunteers for Feed the Need, local horse shows, tutors young children at her church and helps her state senator. In the future, Madison would like to see more involvement with international AjPHA members. She would also like to see AjPHA member numbers grow.

Maryann Johnson, 16
Drewryville, Virginia
Positions: President-Elect(pending), Vice President, Secretary
Campaign Slogan: “You know me, you love me, so vote me”

Maryann has been involved in AjPHA for nine years, during which time she has been heavily involved in her local region. For the past four years, Maryann has served AjPHA as a national director. She is also an equine ambassador for her local 4-H club. Outside of AjPHA activities, Maryann enjoys FFA, cheerleading, showing goats and cows, as well as hunting and fishing. Maryann is also involved with her church and volunteering within her community. In the future, Maryann hopes to see more involvement within the youth clubs for community service projects.

Ruby Voortmeyer, 15
Salt Lake City, Utah
Positions: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 2 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “What you ride is what you get. How you ride is who you are.”

Ruby has been involved with AjPHA for several years. As a member, she has competed and is an active member of the Utah Junior Paint Horse Club. Ruby is currently a national director for AjPHA and served the Utah Junior Paint Horse Club as vice president this past year. Ruby runs cross-country, skis, plays piano and participates in 4-H. This year, Ruby earned a Kiwanis Club leadership award. In the future, Ruby would like to create a social network among members and would like members to be able make friends easier within AjPHA.

Renee Conklin, 16
Hallsville, Missouri
Positions: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 5 Representative

Renee has been involved in AjPHA for many years and has held several different leadership positions. Outside of AjPHA, Renee has served her FFA chapter as president and as an FFA area second vice president. Renee also enjoys participating in art club, biology Club, serves as the student council vice president at her school and volunteers at the Central Missouri Food Bank. In the future, Renee would like to see more opportunities for AjPHA officers to interact with each other and attend more equine events. She also wants to strengthen teamwork and leadership skills of those in AjPHA Executive Committee positions.

Lydia Menossi, 13
Edwardsville, Illinois
Positions: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 5 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “This Girl Right Here Is Ready to Make Greatness!”

Lydia has been riding horses since she was 8, and she started to ride Paints four years ago. This is Lydia’s second year showing her Paint “Fitz.” Outside of AjPHA, Lydia is a member of her local 4-H group and is joining an interscholastic equestrian team next year. In her spare time, Lydia enjoys tending to her farm animals, playing e-sports, playing the harp and raising chickens. She is an active member at St. Boniface Church and likes to volunteer at local summer camps and learning centers, where she helps students with coding and video game design. Lydia often takes her miniature horses, goats, and potbelly pigs to events within the community as a petting zoo. In the future, Lydia hopes to see a mentorship and networking program developed with AjPHA, and she’d like to see the online forum grow so members can easily share information and grow as a community.

Katharina Weber, 15
Ueberherrn, Germany
Positions: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 12 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Don’t focus in winning but focus in doing your best”

Katharina is from Germany, where her family breeds and raises Paints. Katharina is also involved with the National Reining Horse Association and likes to read and draw. She spends her time outside of AjPHA by volunteering at her father’s animal clinic. In the future, Katharina hopes to engage more youth to interact more internationally. She would like to put on more shows where teams can compete together from other countries.

Cody Dulin, 15
Nampa, Idaho
Positions: Vice President, Zone 1 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Paint the Youth”

Cody has been involved in AjPHA for five years, serving as a zone representative for the past year. He enjoys show his Paint Horses in all-around events and is also very involved in the Idaho Paint Horse Club. He regularly attends his zone meeting to keep up with everything AjPHA. Outside of AjPHA, Cody is involved in 4-H and FFA, including the “Know Your Government” 4-H program; he also attends his church youth group and volunteers for Special Olympics. In the future, Cody would like to see more kids involved within the AjPHA.

“There are a lot of kids I meet who show but who have no idea what joining a Youth club can do for them,” Cody said.

Reece Chapman, 14
Bellevue, Michigan
Positions: Vice President, Zone 8 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Pushing APHA to the future”

Reece has been involved with AjPHA his whole life; he is currently an AjPHA national director and Zone 8 representative. Reece has enjoyed showing his horses and has competed at top-level shows including the Youth World Show. He also likes to help his family raise, prepare and show their Paint Horses. Outside of AjPHA, Reece likes to play golf, run cross-country, play lacrosse, participate in his student government class and volunteering for local community groups. Reece would like to see more “horseless” activities emerge within AjPHA to help educate the public about the organization. He also wants to see membership growth with the AjPHA for those with and without horses.

Reagan Jennings, 16
College Station, Texas
Position: Vice President
Campaign Slogan: “I might be small, but I’ve got it all, I will fight without rest. Put me to the test!”

Reagan has been involved with AjPHA for five years. She is currently vice president of AjPHA, the Texas Paint Horse Club and the Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club. For the last three years, she has served as an AjPHA national director. Regan has also been treasurer for the Texas Paint Horse Club for two years and reporter for the Gulf Coast Paint Horse Club. Outside of AjPHA, Reagan is involved in 4-H and FFA, where she shows her rabbits; in her spare time, Reagan likes to go fishing, wakeboard and snowboard, and volunteer with organizations like Special Olympics equestrian events, Keep Brazos Beautiful and her church youth group, and she tutors her fellow students. In the future, Reagan would like to build member relations within AjPHA. She hopes to grow the AjPHA community and promote the breed.

Treylyn Hancock, 14
Wharton, Texas
Positions: Secretary, Treasurer, Zone 4 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!”

Treylyn has previous experience in leadership positions, including being the 2018–2019 Zone 4 representative for AjPHA and the president of her 4-H club. Treylyn has been involved in making rule change proposals at the APHA Convention and competes in speed and ranch horse events. She is active in 4-H and FFA activities, including horse judging and shows, food shows, creative arts and ag mechanics; she participates in community service events, including fundraising for Nebraska flood victims and organizing a Christmas party for special needs students at her school. In the future, Treylyn hopes to see more educational events for exhibitors to learn about other disciplines, besides the ones in which they compete.

Hunter Dulin, 13
Nampa, Idaho
Position: Zone 1 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Be the Change”

Hunter has been involved with AjPHA for four years. He and his family love going to APHA shows and competing in all-around events. Outside of AjPHA, Hunter is involved in 4-H, likes to play basketball and baseball, and dance. In his spare time, Hunter volunteers for Special Olympics and within his youth group. In the future, Hunter would like to help his brother Cody set up more Zone championship shows in other areas.

Avery Maxwell, 15
Edgerton, Kansas
Position: Zone 3 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Splash a little color in your world”

Avery has been involved in AjPHA for five years. She’s been a member of the Kansas Paint Horse Association since 2014 and enjoys showing within AjPHA and her state association. She is also involved in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association, the Youth Equestrian Development Association and her local 4-H club. She enjoys giving back to her community by volunteering for the New Horizon Therapeutic Riding Center. In the future, Avery would like to see Youth participation grow. She also wants to promote Kansas Paint Horse Association locally and through her state.

Teagan Goble, 14
Rosharon, Texas
Position: Zone 4 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “I Win, You Win!”

Teagan has been involved with AjPHA his whole life, showing in the all-around and—currently—halter events. Outside of AjPHA, Teagan is a member of Chenango Stellar 4-H, shows cattle and enjoys playing football, baseball and basketball. Tegan likes to give back to his community by volunteering for his church. In the future, Teagan would like to see the membership of the youth organization grow.

“I feel that if we get out and campaign the organization, we can help the organization and its membership to grow,” he said.

Sabine Lazo, 16
Caldwell, Texas
Position: Zone 4 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “If you want AjPHA at its best, vote for Sabine, she’ll do the rest!

Sabine has been a part of APHA Youth Leadership team since she was 12 years old; she has held various offices for four years in the Executive Committee, culminating a AjPHA president during 2018–2019. Sabine led the presidential service project, Color the Community, which promoted community service and Youth scholarships throughout the association. In addition to her AjPHA leadership, Sabine was a member of the champion Team USA at the 2018 Youth World Games event.

“Each of these experiences has contributed to my passion for and experience with the association and the equine community, and has better prepared me to serve in the future,” Sabine said.

Alaina “Lainey” Johnson, 15
Medina, Minnesota
Position: Zone 5 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Work hard for what you want”

An enthusiastic and involved Youth leader, Alaina has been a part of two different boards this past year, serving as treasurer for the Minnesota Paint Horse Association’s youth board and vice chairman for the North Star Paint Horse Club. Alaina has been showing Paints for the past four years on the regional level and nationally for two years. Outside of Paint activities, Alaina shows her dog, Gus, plays basketball and helps her former trainer by working horses. In the future Alaina would like to see more small acts of kindness among Youth competitors. She believes that one act of kindness can spread throughout the AjPHA and make everyone feel welcome.

Emily Coggins, 15
Watkinsville, Georgia
Positions: Zone 9 Representative
Campaign Slogan: “Emily is more than fine for Zone 9!”

Emily has been involved in Paints for the past five years. She has served as an AjPHA national director and is involved in the Palmetto Paint Horse Club and the Georgia Paint Horse Club, where she aspires to be president. Emily shows her Paint, Sonnys Last Star, in all-around events and has won numerous awards. Outside of AjPHA, Emily shows in 4-H, equine judging, equine quiz bowl, plays basketball, runs cross country, writes for the school paper and is a member of Spanish club. She also is involved in her church, where she sings in the choir, and volunteers for a therapeutic riding facility and for her church. In the future, Emily would like APHA to partner with schools to start a lettering program for youth who show Paints.

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