Head Down to Florida Early For the New Fun In The Sun Extravaganza, All Breed, 2-Day, NSBA Event

Logo courtesy of Mark Harrell Horse Shows.
Mark Harrell Horse Shows is excited to announce the creation of the Fun In The Sun Extravaganza, an all breed NSBA event that will be held January 3-4 in Venice, FL at Fox Lea Farm prior to the start of the Fox Lea Farm’s Winter Circuit. The estimated purse for this new event is $36,000!
The Fox Lea Farm Winter Circuit will take place January 6-11 in Venice, Florida and will provide AQHA competitors with the opportunity to compete at six total shows. A stall and RV reservation form is available now on
MarkHarrellHorseShows.com. Stay tuned for a list of judges and showbill coming soon as well as more details for the new Fun In The Sun Extravaganza.