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Happy Thanksgiving From The Equine Chronicle! What Are You Thankful For?

Filed under: Featured,The Buzz |     

By: Brittany Bevis

happy thanksgiving

It’s that time of year again, when the sweet smells of succulent stuffing, juicy turkey, and spiced pumpkin pie waft through kitchens everywhere. For many of our readers, this Thanksgiving weekend will be a welcomed respite that marks the conclusion of a busy, but successful, fall show season.

Some equestrians have spent the past couple of months on the road heading to and from the All American Quarter Horse Congress, Appaloosa World Show, NSBA World Show, APHA World Show, Color Breed Congress, and AQHA World Show. Still more will be celebrating their Thanksgivings at the NCHA Futurity in Fort Worth, Texas or the NRHA Futurity in Oklahoma City.

Whether you plan to be on the road heading to another show or spending the holiday with family and friends, everyone here at The Equine Chronicle would like to wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving. Please be safe in your travels wherever they might take you, and keep in mind the true reason for the season…

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

turkey day

Cindy Monroe Young- “I’m thankful that my family is close and my nephew, who’s in the Army, will be here for Thanksgiving. He is being deployed in December to Afghanistan.”

Holt Graham-Pope– “There’s so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for miracles and the support of so many over the last several months. Our son, Stone, is a true testament to what the power of prayer and faith can do. His complicated ten-hour open heart surgery at eight days old saved his life. Modern medicine is something I will always be thankful for as well as the surgeons, doctors, and nurses at the Medical University of SC for saving my son’s life three months ago this Saturday. Today, Stone is healthy and so happy! This will be the happiest Thanksgiving EVER! Life is fragile and short… make your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving count!”

Emily Eberspacher- “I’m thankful that my parents gave me and my two little sisters the opportunity to be a part of the horse industry. By doing so, it has opened up so many doors and also created many new friendships! I love my horse show family and my trainer, Suzetta Busby. Showing horses has taught me so much and will always be a part of me!”

Susan Deakle Drinkard- “I’m thankful first of all for my Lord Jesus Christ, my family and friends, and for our safety in the USA because of the men and women in our armed services. God Bless them and God Bless the USA!”

Mary Huddleston– “I am thankful for just seeing another Thanksgiving. My struggles with cancer, and as a mentor to children with life threatening diseases, have made me appreciate every little thing that life has to offer. I am thankful for a home and the opportunity to spend time with my loved ones. This time of year is my favorite! Christmas and Thanksgiving seem to humble people and bring out the best in everyone. I will be spending my Thanksgiving with my family (of course!) and visiting children who are in the hospital battling cancer. Spending time with smiling cancer patients changes your outlook on life, and I am thankful for the opportunity to know such amazing people.”

Tiana Domingos- “I am thankful for the many horses and trainers I have had the opportunity to work with. Without them, I wouldn’t be the horsewoman I am today. Thank you again.”

Nola Kars Lester- “I’m thankful for my family and the fun that we have. We are not at a horse show every weekend. We enjoy the pool, boating, shooting trap and skeet, watching my daughter playing volleyball.. and of course entertaining family and friends.”

Baylee Collier– “I’m definitely thankful for my new four-year-old Solid Paint-Bred mare, Dressed Up Good, and my gaming horse, Sky! They both never cease to amaze me, and we’ve come so far! I’m so thankful for my girls!”

Michelle Forness- “I’m thankful to have the opportunity to do what I love, show horses! It’s not just [about] the competition, but the friends that become your family and the privilege to have great horses!”

Tina Krichbaum– “I’m thankful that people are still in the horse show game… despite the economical pitfals of owning, training, and showing a horse!”

Kimberly Clark– “I’m thankful for everything…the good, the bad, and the downright ugly! It’s all taught me something, and, hopefully, made me a better person in all aspects of my life! I feel so blessed!”

Tina Freeland– “Of course, I’m thankful for my wonderful, supportive family and friends. I’m thankful for a successful business that allows me to work with horses. I’m very thankful for my beautiful and talented horses and my AQHA family. My horses have kept me sane in this crazy life and taught me so many life lessons. I was blessed to have an outstanding show year, and I was overwhelmed with the support and congratulations I received from all my horse show friends. There is no other organization I would rather be a part of. I have a lot to be thankful for this year.”

Liz Rice- “This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for many things. Two things I’m very thankful for are my parents and my trainers. My parents have always supported me in everything I do. They have spent countless weekends and holidays at horse shows with me, and I can’t thank them enough for that. Without them, I wouldn’t be showing horses. I’m also thankful for my trainers, Shannon Vroegh, Hannah Lind, and Danielle Bernard for having done so much for me over the years. They are always going above and beyond. I don’t know what I would do without them.”

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