Entries Being Accepted for Pro Horse Services April Internet Auction

Cool and a Half
Sell Horses by April 12 – It Can Happen
“Entries are being accepted for the April INTERNET Auction which will close on April 12th,” announces Mike Jennings of the Professional Horse Services, LLC management team. “The Spring market appears to be strong this year, judging by the results of our recent March Auction. The top five horses sold for an average of $9,880 and the top ten recorded an average price of $8,380.”
Enter horses by March 20th to take advantage of promotion provided by the sale company. Early entries receive the benefit of more exposure to potential buyers through digital magazine ads, email blasts and social media marketing. The major email blast goes to nearly 500,000 email addresses. Numerous email blasts go to our exclusive list almost 22,000 proven buyers and sellers.
The Pro Horse Services Internet Auctions have a strong track record for selling Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas. The April Internet Auction will be open to show horses, prospects and breeding stock for Western Pleasure, Halter, All Around, English, Reining, Ranch and performance events. We also sell trail riding and recreational horses.
Entry Forms for the auction can be found on the Professional Horse Services, LLC website – http://www.prohorseservices.com/Online.php Sellers can use the convenient Online Entry form or download a form to complete and return by fax or email. Sellers can contact Mike or Stephanie Jennings with questions about the entry process.
On the company’s website, sellers will find helpful information on taking photos and making videos to make a presentation that will attract buyers. Mike and Stephanie will also help owners determine how to best present their horse.
Early entries include a proven show horse and some special show prospects. These horses will be available for viewing SOON in our Internet Auction catalog. To register for a bidder’s number and view the catalog go to http://internethorseauctions.com/index.php

Kruzin Girlz
The young horses include outstanding AQHA and Appaloosa prospects for the English and All Around events: Kruzin Girlz (AQHA) a 2015 gelding by THE KRYMSUN KRUZER, AQHA Super Horse, and out of Hot Shot Hit, the dam of 9 time AQHA World Champion, HOT ONES ONLY, a top English prospect standing 16.1 hands, that already has 60 days of training and Press OneForEnglish (ApHC) a 2016 mare by The Englishman and out of After Twilight, this is a gorgeous Hunter type Appaloosa filly with breed characteristics and regular registration. Her sire is a World Champion and her dam is Bronze Medallion Winner and a World Champion producer.
Our featured Halter horse is Cool And A Half, a 2013 gelding by Very Cool that is the 2016 Congress Champion Limited Open 3 Year-Old Gelding and already has AQHA Open and Amateur Superior Halter awards.
Mike and Stephanie Jennings, of Professional Horse Services, LLC are the industry leaders in Online Auction marketing for Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas. Through our exclusive Internet Horse auction system we have sold 1,548 horses for $6,268,050, with a High Seller at $226,000.