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EC Question of the Week – What Did Your Horse Do?

Filed under: Current Articles,The Buzz |     

Last week, we asked our readers:

Your horse is at school and you get a call from the principal. What did your horse do?

Did you see all the hilarious responses? It’s a must-read. You can read all the ripping off clothes, breaking waterers, biting, smoking-in-the-boys-room answers below:

Thank you to everyone for the great belly-laughs!


Tisha Aronsen: Mine ate all the other kids’ lunches.


Natasha Pusch: My horse would be the “A” student who is also a juvenile delinquent. She would probably be in trouble for vandalizing the lockers or stealing food from the cafeteria.


Joline Humbert: Riggs: Smokin’ behind the bleachers, Liam: Selling answers to the math test., CC: Opted to not attend school.


Katie Grossnickle: Waylon: either being a bully and destroying other people’s things or biting!!!


Alexis Gooding: Mick: told the teacher to piss off 🤠

Or got caught faking an injury to get out of PE but had no problem playing tackle football at lunch an hour later.


Rachel Sackrider: Parker is in the office continually telling on every kid who even looks at him sideways because it hurt his feelings.


Charlotte Miller Harvey:  RSA What A Rush “Carson” skipped school with his best friend Strike N Gold “Sam” and they drove around knocking people’s mailboxes over with bats. Ima Skippa Flash “Duchess” tattled to anybody who would listen and Avatar Moon Rise “Kenai” snuck into their lockers and stole their lunches (and a few others, too.)


Sabrina Janis: Speedy: Eating during class and dozing off during a lesson 🤣


Joan Ames: Charlie got caught kissing a girl behind the bleachers.


Patty Goodwin: Danny broke into the cafeteria kitchen and stole all the carrots and apples, but blamed it on his little brother Dexter. But Dexter was already in the principal’s office for sleeping in gym class.


Kacie Fleeman: Joe Walsh was napping during PE, after walking a quarter of a lap. Just Call Me Steve got caught exposing himself to other students.


Greer Hodges: Ima Scenic Sensation got mad because all of her friends left her behind, so she kicked something and ended up hurting herself 🤦‍♀️


Kyra Koester: Rocket: wouldn’t stop licking other students, Dillon: got stuck in the playground, Whitney: brought a 5 course meal to eat in the back of the classroom


Meredith Marlow Biasca: Luvin Lazy was caught napping in class again. Her snoring gave her away.


Adam Johnson: Wilson: won’t stop bringing his dog to school with him, and he is always kissing Bruce Wayne in the hallway!


Coltin Crystal: Mine definitely bit another kid on the playground 🤣


Jeri-Lou Lillefjeld Biggs: Hallie aka Arapped in Black escaped in search of peppermints and carrots!


Maria Temple Jerome: Knocked over another kid while playing.


Chelsea E. Carlson: Colton (Lopin this way) was definitely caught causing drama with the girls in his grade. How did he keep up with dating 10 different girls at the same time? One will never know. (If you’ve seen John Tucker Must Die you know how this ends😉)


Caitlin Raysser: VS Redline was most definitely instigating a fight between Only Huntin A Party and Shes Fritzin Foxy, One and Only Paris got in on it and caused an all-out brawl 🙄

Wildly Inappropriate would for sure be playing on her phone during class.

Doin My Best was smoking weed in the boys’ room.

Simply A Goodride played sick and got caught at Fastaco.

Redefine Design and The Price is Right hacked the computer system and put the hamster song on repeat.

I’m Sirtainly Impressd made a bomb out of his inhaler to Heza Heart Stopper.

I Only Dress In Pink and Major League Luvah were napping in class while Reno Love Shot spitballs at them.Lindsay Murphy

It’s like Fast Times at Ridgmont High, only with horses 🤷‍♀️


Maggie Waymack-Cope: Principal, Ms. Cope…Kate has once again told the teacher how she really feels about this school stuff and ended it with…when I am gonna use this stuff after graduation anyway! Kate is a truth-teller and doesn’t care how you feel about her opinion!


Jessica Marie Woolsey: This is the exact call I would get from my horse Peso. I would get a call from the principal saying that he was grabbing saddle pads and chasing others around with it and when he didn’t get any friends that didn’t stop him from rolling over the ball in PE and popping it.


Kili Crawford: My horse Skittles tripped into the trophy case at school and broke it. He absolutely didn’t mean to but it did happen. Now the principal has to figure out if he is telling the truth. (He is) 🐴


Summer McClure: Mine would be caught red handed letting herself out of the classroom, unlocking all of the other classrooms, the front door and all playground gates and leading her entire class down the road taking them to Grandma’s house and pooping on Grandma’s front lawn. (This may have actually happened recently just change out the school with her barn, horse runs and cattle pens.


Bethany Robertson: Sonnys Sweet Sierra aka Sweetie: she stole everyone’s snacks and takes naps during class but makes straight A’s the principal wants to know how she does it!


Kendra Carr: Buster (Suddenized) got loose and opened all the stall doors to free his buddies. 🐎 Recess for all!!!


Hope Dailey: Bonnie: ran over the child in line to get the peppermint first -OR- bucked off the kid who didn’t keep their legs back 🤷🏼‍♀️ she’s rather blunt lol, Charlie: bit another child at lunchtime.


Taylor Foster: Brev-biting his classmates, Loretta-stealing other kids’ snacks


Hunter Johnson: Envy would be bullying or talking back to the teachers 🤣


Ashley Enoch-Scott: GoodGirlsFinishLast aka Bertha: she would steal other kids lunches and get caught eating them on the playground.


Rachel Henshaw: Joan Simon aka JoJo: “JoJo keeps picking up random non edible items with her mouth and carrying them around. She also keeps getting too close and touching the other horses(kids) even though they keep telling her they don’t like it. She seems to have no concept of personal space.”


Becca Funderburk: Deuce definitely got in trouble for talking too much, either to his friends, the teacher, or complete strangers. He’s not picky, just needy 🤣


Marlene Claire Doughman: Laid down in the mud during recess and won’t get up and go back to class.


Alivia Miller: Angel (Daddys All Mine) was being bullied by everyone and tried to fight back but the teacher only saw her being mean so she is the one who got in trouble for bullying. Or she pushed kids out of the way because she wanted her food first.


Kelley Simonsen: Maguire fell asleep in class, Patrick wouldn’t sit still. LOL!


Hanna Hussey Haynes: Cupcake – sleeps through class but still manages to make all A’s. The principal wants to know how she does it. Reba – keeps picking fights with the other kids because she wants Cupcake to be her friend only, and not anyone else’s.


Tamara Gilson: Mine seems to have fecal water syndrome so I’d have to assume he pooped his pants. Probably splashed it on the kids closest in proximity to his desk.


Stacy Ebben: hiding under the desk because he doesn’t want to go to gym class


Kay Hardin: Ms. Hardin, Cupid has torn up his sleazy, destroyed the water buckets in his stall, and his feeder. This is the 3rd time this month. Mom says… but isn’t he pretty?


Emma Dale: Knox was SNORING LOUDLY in the back of the classroom during a test! #iykyk 😂😂😂


Abby Thom: Seventies Hotrod- Kelso won’t come out from under the desk because the school bell sound scared him


Ashley Meinhart: Shredded another blanket 😬


Gina Spiotto Dorcas: I have an old Shetland pony nicknamed Prison Riot. Paint your own pictures….🤣


Kaylee K. Bandy: Ricky – getting all the other kids riled up during recess so that every child is running around the playground 🛝 with their head and tail in the air. 😏


Rhonda Marie Kaweski Perrine:  Kaylee K. Bandy and according to Poppa Carey Ready stealing everyone’s toys to throw about !🤓😂


Amy Barber: Wilson destroys his blanket liner and leaves his blanket alone. We don’t get it.


Megan Boyle: Yogi- broke into the cafeteria. Ate the dessert for the entire class in one sitting.

Hennessy- got a little too rough in gym with his classmates then decided to smoke weed to make that stressful time ease from his mind.


Josyanne Frazee: Oscar – he is chewing on all the kids’ pencils and won’t let them do their class work


Bailey VanDriest: My InvitationNGold (Bevis) bringing food into class and sleeping during lessons!🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Jill Bushey: My horse definitely bit someone! Can’t keep his lips to himself!


Sue Frank: Ripped his clothes off at recess! Again.


Allison Pickles-Ott: Tater-Causing problems with his buddy Mike (Molli), pretty sure they’d caught with spit balls and destroying the room.


Judy Stark Rees: Jake…keeps taking clothes and shoes off!


Lola James: Lopin Real Purdy aka Jemima: pretends she’s kissing you then bites you; taking water bottles out of pockets and playing with them; taking kids sour patch kids and eating them all at once.


Jessica Lynn Izaguirre: Vic: broke the water’er, again, and flooded the classroom, again.


Thad O’Boyle: Phil got in a fight over a girl he can’t even get her to 👀 his way.


Brittney Foye: He refused to come inside from recess!


Nikki Bailey: Seekin An Invitation got in trouble for running with scissor and eating glue.


Taylor Rebman: Nikki Bailey and Coy Lil Frosty for being mean and talking about girls behind their backs😂


Camryn Miller: kc is in the office because she thinks she’s better than everyone and is not scared to let them know that. aka regina george😂


Brister Shum: Chingy (Dirty Monie) was smoking weed. “Alright, alright, alright”!


Brianna Weivoda: They definitely called saying my 29 year old is too old to be in that school anymore and he’s creeping the younger kids out. My boyfriend’s horse is the kid that breaks up a fight by kicking everyone’s ass.


Landry Tate: Doodle: wouldn’t stop mocking his teacher. Was voted class clown.


Stephanie Mohr: Mine would be late to class after lunch because they had to chase her out of the cafeteria.


Sierra Bourdess: Barn name is Wilson, AQHA 2 year old : was caught drinking Watermelon Moonshine in the boys bathroom 😎, Barn name is Warren, APHA yearling : was out on the football field One Dark Night, tearing up the field with his buddies 😆


Jeri Kay Lockwood: Break into the Principal’s candy jar and wouldn’t share


Tamara Amala: He’s not in trouble. He just had to see the school nurse AGAIN!


JoJo Teachey-Jackson: Licking the windows on the bus!


Dana Didde: Frankie: taking selfies and making tik toks, Zoey: figured out where teachers keep the good food, sneak out of class, find the food and give it to all her friends, Teddy: cut class to get food. Tries to flirt with girls and fails.


Mary Youngs: Skai: Stole all the other kids lunch’s and ate it all.


Brenda Bournival Juszczyk: Love the Ty ate the apple off the teacher’s desk.


Sidney Hawk: Tj: stuck a pencil up his nose 🤣🤣


Deb Shatley: Quiteabitlazy snuck into the cafeteria kitchen…again and ate all of the Carrot Cake!


Evelyn Allen: Luca- pushing a classmate out of a chair, Cash- eating his friends entire lunch.


Kathy Green: Remy ripped off all his clothes and is running around naked on the playground.


Jess Fry: Bit another horse or was too rambunctious during class🤦‍♀️


Christi Free: Mrs. Free, Stevie has after school detention for intentionally disrupting class with his 2 minute long farts! In fact, he has developed a case of the walking farts!🤣


Vicky Long: VS Moonlight was pawing while tied up put into time out with hobbles.


Sharyn Ann: Bit/kicked his classmate. 🙄


Allison Rassinoux: Puddin’ – eating and napping in class, sticking his tongue out at teacher.


Hannah Hein: poked his classmates too many times during class.


Kayln Epperson: Zin definitely got into a fight & won. 🤣


Megan Holtmeyer: Kayln Epperson beat the hell out of the other guy 😂.


Carol Dal Porto: She cut the pony tail off of the student that sits next to her.


Amy Groefsema: Max: played with the barn cats.


Melissa Stuart: Vinny….making out with the girls in the hallway.


Tim Ketterman: Giving the teacher the middle finger


Erica Maletic: Buzz 1000% fell asleep in class 😴


Sarah Campbell: Talking in class!!


Carla Carfora: Sends Roses By Choice (aka Sam Elliott) started a pyramid scheme in the bathrooms selling generic versions of Equiox and Banamine.


Amy Errer: Burt: bit the teacher lol


Laura Lamb: Hershey ate all the treats…


Payton Anderson: Hmmm, Scotty would probably whine the entire time he was in PE class and refuse to do any running 😂😂


Becca Fernandez: She turned on the water faucet!!!! 🤣 or she bit someone.


Allison Chisholm: Mine would no doubt shit on the teachers desk 🙈


Lana Deppen: Otto broke the waterer again and flooded his room


Kelly Birkenholtz: Bob was doing “Bob things”, Bo was tagging along with big brother Bob but got the nervous poop’s because of Bob doing “Bob things” & he was scared to get in trouble .


Karen Wright: Haha stole some food.


Thank you to everyone! If you have a great question of the week, email us:


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