Congratulations to Select Winners at AQHA World Show!

Warren and Laurie English
Congratulations to Select Halter World Champions at the AQHA World Show!
- Select Weanling Geldings WC- Acountable/Joy Stehney
- Select Weanling Fillies WC- Broadway/Warren English
- Select Weanling Colts WC- Da Vinci/Lonn Smallwood
- Select 2-Year-Old Mares WC- Kaanapali Dolly/Warren English

Bob Cassata
Select 2-Year-Old Gelding WC- BRT Send Me/Vern Habighorst
- Select 2-Year-Old Stallions WC- Hesa Classic Secrete/Melinda Minnis
- Select 3-Year-Old Geldings WC- He Is The Exception/Laura Perniciaro
- Select 3-Year-Old Mares WC- KR Xfiniti/Bob Cassata
- Select 3-Year-Old Stallions WC- LFL Eligiance/Laurie Lorenz

Lonn Smallwood
Select Aged Geldings- Solair/Dan Fox
- Select Aged Mares- Baby Im Worth It/Laurie English

Joy Stehney
Select Aged Stallions- CR Peacemaker/Dan Fox
Stay tuned to for Amateur Halter classes that will start on Thursday!