Meagan Braun
By: Brittany Bevis
The National Championship was one of the highlights of the 2021 Arizona Sun Circuit. Horses and riders were ranked based on their performances throughout the year, and the top 64 in youth, amateur, and select divisions were invited to participate in a three-part elimination style competition for Showmanship, Horsemanship, and Equitation.
We already congratulated the Farnam Amateur Showmanship Champion– Griffin Holliday with Good N Plenty Gold and the Select Showmanship Champion– Jaquelin Marlow with Mug Shot. Now, it’s time to find out the winners of the Youth Showmanship, as well as The Equine Chronicle Equitation and Adequan Horsemanship. Click here to view the Amateur and Select Showmanship results.
The Youth Showmanship class was won by Meagan Braun with Showin My Ace. The final two also included Kaitlyn Bloom with Ima Lazy Cowboy. Rounding out the top four were Koleen Herlocker with Memphis Bound and Avery Langley with Kinetic Krymsun.
Brooke Jolstad
In Select Equitation, the champion was Karen Lee Tegner-Manseth with Amarillo By Moonlight. The top two also included Caroline French-Campbell with Creepin In My Sleep.
Amateur Equitation was won by Lauren Stanley with Extremely Good Stuff. She competed with Christianna Schukman with Shez Hot N Platinum in the final match. The top four also included Maria Salazar with Maid Me Good and Johnna Letchworth with On The Roks.
Karen Zarda
Youth Equitation was won by Brooke Jolstad with Betta Believe It. She competed with Piper Keller and Sweet Made in the final match. The top four also included Jaqueline Potwora with Heza Smilin Tiger and Camille Kennedy with The Perfect Kryme.
The Select Horsemanship Champion was Karen Zarda with Betcha Want This. She competed with Dan Yeager and RL Suddenly Lopin. The final four also included Laina Banks with Strawberri Wine and Marnie McDowall with BF Fun Size.
The winner of Amateur Horsemanship was Nicole Barnes with Its All Good Man. The final two also included Andrea Kengis Foss with Imma American Made. The final four also included Daniel Carlson with Made By Charlie and Christiann Schuckman with Shez Hot N Platinum.
Emma Cress
Youth Equitation
Final Four Youth Horsemanship
Final Four Select Horsemanship
Final Four Amateur Horsemanship
Nicole Barnes
Karen Zarda
Final Youth
Exceptional Eight
Final Youth Showmanship
Youth Horsemanship was won by Emma Cress with Best Gift Yet. The top two also included Hanna Olaussen with Wearin Only Moonlite. The final four also included Tierney Horton with Sudden Top Notch and Alyssa Jipping with Ill Take The Asset.
If you’d like to share your horse show’s results and photos, email