Congratulations APHA Foundation 2014-2015 Scholarship Recipients!

Image courtesy of APHA.
PHJ release by: Laura Jesberg
Each year, the American Paint Horse Foundation awards scholarship funds to some of AjPHA’s most deserving young members. Over the past quarter century, APHF has awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships to 272 students.
Who are the students who receive foundation scholarships? They are the hard-working young horsemen and -women you see striving every day to be the best both in the horse show arena and in their academic pursuits. These students are supported by the generous donations given to the foundation program by APHA members in honor of loved ones or by regional Paint Horse clubs or zones.
For academic scholarship consideration, students must be a member of the AjPHA or APHA, must pass a college entrance examination, provide three letters of reference and submit an essay explaining their educational plans. After they have been granted a scholarship, they must maintain a “B” or better grade-point average to be eligible for renewal.
A total of 21 students received new scholarships for 2014-2015. They are:
- Chloe Benning- Cross Timbers PHC #1- Texas A&M University
- Erin Blochberger- Nevada PHC- Concordia University
- Sydney Broussard- Floyd & Maryanne Moore #1- University of Florida
- Kristen Chamberland- Doc & Butch Wonderlich- Kansas State University
- Taylor Dixon- Shelia Plimpton Memorial- California State University Fresno
- Ty Duesterheft- Cross Timbers PHC #2- Tarleton State University
- Madison Dunphy- Arizona PHC #5- Arizona State University
- Emily Eberspacher- Nebraska PHC- University of Nebraska Lincoln
- Heather Grossman- Zone Three #2- Casper College
- Courtney Hall- Floyd & Maryanne Moore #2- Missouri State University
- Hanna Himmelmann- Idaho PHC- University of Kentucky
- Nicole Jennings- Dr. Bill Jackson Memorial- University of Findlay
- Kelsey Kafesjian- Bill & Rachel Yoesel Memorial- Colorado State University
- Crystal Mitchell- Zone One #3- Eastern Oregon University
- Andrea Nelson- Arizona PHC #4- Utah State University
- Sarah Nelson- Lynn Simons Memorial #1- Kansas State University
- Taylor Serrano- Arizona PHC #6- Kansas State University
- Kaleena Smith- Ashley Huntington Memorial- University of Guelph-Humber
- Lindsey Valdiviez- Robert Hass Memorial- Baylor University
- Morgan Vance- Robert & Mary Parrott- Oklahoma State University
- Peyton Weldon- Ark La Tex PHC- Lonestar College
To renew, students much provide the previous semester’s official transcript and an update on their educational plans and goals. Twenty nine students renewed their scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year. They are:
- Linne’ Beason- Arizona PHC #2- California State University Fresno
- Katherine Beckett- Mikea Smith Honorarium- Texas A&M University
- Christine Cobb- Utah PHC #1- Texas Christian University
- Paige Stawicki- Paul White Memorial- University of Georgia
- Allison Tuchrello- Shelia Plimpton Memorial- State University College Geneseo
- Sarayah Voorhees- Keith Lamoine Memorial- Texas Christian University
- Katrijn Whisenant- Zone Two- California Polytechnic University
- Rachel Ziesmann- Utah PHC #2- University of Wisconsin Madison
- Brayanna Bergstrom- Illinois PHC #1- Baylor University
- Ella Brave- Bill & Joye Bryan Memorial- Lunds University
- Nicole Bricker- California Paint Racing- University of Missouri
- Gabrielle Buono- Joann Cook Memorial- Berry College
- McKenna Coveney- Arizona PHC #1- Cal Poly Pomona
- Serina Lee Pack- Utah PHC #3- Western New Mexico University
- Cheyenne Patton- Zone Three #1- Oklahoma State University
- Lauren Spivey- Lee Newsom Memorial- Auburn University
- Jessica Taylor- Illinois PHC #2- South Dakoka State University
- Eva Werschky- Arizona PHC #3- University of Nevada Reno
- Celsey Beneda- Zone Three #3- Kansas State University
- Tasha Gibson- Roland & Joan Hoch Memorial- Colo Northwestern Community College
- Meagen Jones- Arizona PHC #5- Brigham Young University
- Brogan Horton- Matt Diamond Memorial- Texas A&M University
- Makenzie Keefer- Central California PHC- Colorado State University
- Stephanie King- SW Washington PHC- Pierce College – Fort Steilacoom
- Nadine Miller- Washington PHC- Washington State University
- Ashley Moore- Zone One #2- Oregon State University
- Jamie Riley- Zone One #1- University of Montana Western
- Kelsey Richie- Lynn Simons Memorial #2- Texas Christian University
- Shay Voorhees- Duane Pettibone Memorial- Dallas Baptist University
Interested in supporting the youth of APHA? Our Youth scholarship program is growing every year. We offer several ways to donate for education.
Academic Scholarships – Contribute to one of our existing endowments that fund a scholarship every year.
Youth World Championship Show Scholarships – This new initiative will generate scholarship funds for AjPHA members competing at our championship show. The scholarship funds add up each year an exhibitor competes in select classes.
AjPHA Superior Sportsmanship Endowment – This new endowment was created by AjPHA President Meredith Milton as her Presidential Service Project. The goal is to fund the endowment to a minimum of $25,000 to generate a $1,000 scholarship to the Youth exhibitor demonstrating the highest level of sportsmanship each year at the Youth World Championship Show.
For more information or to donate, visit or contact Laura Jesberg at (817) 222-6412 or