Pictured is Helloo Gorgeous (by AYA) and her 2023 colt Helloo Ladies (by Its A Southern Thing) taking an early morning nap! They are both owned and loved by Elizabeth Jakovich. Thank you to Elizabeth for submitting this adorable photo! If you have a great photo of the day, please submit it via email: Delores.Kuhlwein@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …The American Paint Horse Association Judge Emeritus Award recognizes outstanding judges who have dedicated their careers to judging APHA-approved events, according to the APHA. APHA honored nine judges for 2022, and the press release with all honorees can be accessed below: APHA Honors 9 with Prestigious Judge Emeritus Award One of the judges honored: beloved […]
Continue reading …“Cowgirls and cowboys – it all starts with horses!” says Eva Dahl, who sent us this wonderful photo from the recent POAC Rocky Mountain Regional Show, hosted by the Utah POAC and held in Spanish Fork, Utah. If you have a great photo of the day, please email Delores.Kuhlwein@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein “It’s too hard to bring newcomers into the horse industry” is the statement we often hear that niggles our ears and our minds. But time after time, we have been gifted with gems of success stories about those who are making headway toward opening doors for others by immersing them in the […]
Continue reading …We get, it, Jak! That’s how we feel watching the APHA World Championship Show, too! Malisah Moravitz Ziemak says she’s shown Paints for years, but she took a hiatus to have Jak and Josie. “We are hitting the shows early though making sure horses are in their blood. Here they are enjoying APHA World,” she explains. […]
Continue reading …“…for there is no other feeling in the world to compare with it if one loves a great horse. It gives a thrill that nothing else ever can. It cannot be put into words because words cannot express it.”– Samuel Riddle, requested as the quote to describe “Theo” by Talyn Smith. By Delores Kuhlwein If you’ve […]
Continue reading …Today for our photo of the day, we share something a bit different – it’s an AdobeStock image of a patriotic horse. Most of us know the 4th of July, or Independence Day, was the day the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. FamilySearch.org says that the first celebration for the day happened in […]
Continue reading …The first image on the left pictures Tessa Lynch Sutton at 3 1/2 years old, showing in her first walk-trot class on, according to Tessa, her mom’s ” automatic 16.2 hand saint of a QH gelding, Impressor’s Whiskey.” The second photo is from her 2021 Congress Championship on Good Vybes! Thanks to Tessa Lynch Sutton for the great […]
Continue reading …The struggle to get ears up for a picture is real when there’s so much going on at a humongous horse show! Enjoy one of our favorite candid photos from the 2023 Scottsdale Arizona Sun Circuit! If you have a great photo of the day, please email Delores.Kuhlwein@EquineChronicle.com.
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