Kenidee Thomas in the 5th Annual John Ackerman Memorial Costume Class at the recent PQHA Mid Summer Madness with her AQHA horse powered John Deere tractor. Proceeds from the class benefitted the Gary Sinese Foundation! Thank you to Lora Knelly and AE Photography for the fabulous photo! If you have a great photo of […]
Continue reading …“We all know this heat wave has been awful,” says Cassie Gaarder of Litchfield Park, Arizona. “I’m always making sure my horses (& mule) are keeping cool.” This is Wyatt, aka Chromed Up Royalty, getting hosed off after his morning turnout on pasture. “Every bit helps when it’s 105 out!” Cassie explains. Thank you to Cassie […]
Continue reading …This is 3-year-old World and Congress Champion Best N Radical, aka “Alex, who loves his baby stallion smooches! Thank you to Trace Thompson of Thompson Show Horses for the photo! If you have a great photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …We love the similarities in these photos! Pictured is Samantha Wolf, in the first photo at age five, and in the second photo at age 21. “Still going!” says her Grandma, Trish Wolf. “It’s her first love.” Thank you to Trish for the great transformation Tuesday photos! We have lots more scheduled because we’ve received […]
Continue reading …Those Arizona summers get a little hot, and Humphrey the donkey does not mess around! Thank you to Penny King for sending in the cute photo of Humphrey, who belongs to Dallas Adams of Waddell, Arizona. If you have a great photo of the day, please submit it by email:
Continue reading …This is Charley Kay Grendel with “Andi,” who was born on Kevin and Nancy Fullerton’s Farm in Charlotte, Michigan. Andi is by Vitalyzed and out of Sleepin Witha Blonde” (AQHA palomino by Too Sleepy To Zip x Ms Cierra Myers and granddaughter of the great “Mito Cierra.”) “I think someday they will make the perfect team!!” says Sonny […]
Continue reading …Pictured is Alina Landry and “Denver” of Perkins Quarter Horses in New Brunswick, Canada. Alina won her first ever blue ribbon in Showmanship at the recent MQHA Canada Day Classic in Sussex, N.B. “She had to pause mid-photo shoot to answer a phone call from her Dad (who had to miss the class) to tell him […]
Continue reading …Pictured is Charlie Cole riding Snap It Send It and Blake Weis riding Snippity Snap at the 2023 EMO Celebration in South Point Arena. “It has never been so cool to be gray!” says Karissa Landis of Topline Image. Thank you to Karissa for the fabulous photo! If you have a great photo of the day, […]
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