“It’s not the will to win that matters-everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” — Paul’ Bear’ Bryant. At the 2023 AQHYA World Championship Show, Sydney Swallom won the 14-18 Horsemanship for the second year in a row with another stunning pattern with Almost Invited. Both her patterns went viral after their […]
Continue reading …If having EC Team Members Gordon Downey and Charlie Burgess on site at the All American Quarter Horse Congress to share in your successes wasn’t already fantastic news, our online editor starts coverage today, too, with results, photos and winners’ interviews. Stay tuned to our social media pages and our website! Thank you to Cody […]
Continue reading …At the 2022 AQHA World Show when Blake Weis won the ride-off for L3 Junior Trail with Hot Lopin Lily, the back-through obstacle was daunting, so he said he knew he had to wear his lucky shirt. He’d won the Junior Trail in the same teal shirt a few times already! So we asked our […]
Continue reading …The first picture is of Tegan Ross and her AQHA gelding, Spiked Te Special Te, at a 10-day circuit show in New Castle, Indiana, in 2014. Spike was ten and Tegan was nine years old. “The second picture is me and the same AQHA gelding, Spiked Te Special Te, during my senior pictures class of […]
Continue reading …Theresa Laster took this photo at the All American Quarter Horse on Saturday, October 7, 2023. “This young man was the first to go in the Small Fry Showmanship. He was waiting to go, and they started the National Anthem in Cooper Arena, so this was what he did. Hat off, placed over his heart […]
Continue reading …“So we meet again, my fabulous mirror image.” This is Gunna Whoopya, aka “Poppy,” admiring her beautiful reflection. Poppy belongs to Amateur Caty Fike. “This 4 year old filly is just turning into everything we hoped she could be when we chose her for Caty as a two year old. It’s always a little […]
Continue reading …“We were together. I forget the rest.” – Walt Whitman. Thank you to Jessica O’Connor Equine Imagery for the poignant photo from the 2022 North Carolina Palomino Exhibitors’ Association Roy Saunders Memorial Show in Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. If you have a great photo of the day, please send it by email for consideration: Delores.Kuhlwein@EquineChronicle.com. […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Congratulations are in order for Jeff and Jodi Geiger of Ohio on their purchase of the great stallion, Strutin On The Range. The 16-hand 2008 AQHA roan by the late OpenRange and out of Time For Kathy, by Time to Strut, already has quite a following as a sire and for his […]
Continue reading …For today’s photo of the day, we feature horse show dog, “Emma,” whose fence climbing didn’t go as planned one day back in 2016 at a show in California. (Don’t worry – she was fine and her loving owners rescued her right away!) “Emma was such a wild puppy! She climbed out of everything!” says […]
Continue reading …“Friday sees more smiles than any other day of the workweek!”—Kate Summers. Thank you to Kelsey Keathly of Norfleet Marketing and Photography for this fun photo from the 2022 Mason Dixon Color Classic! If you have a great photo of the day, please send it by email for consideration: Delores.Kuhlwein@EquineChronicle.com.
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