We recently asked our readers: Our news feeds are filled with jokes about backing up and parking horse trailers. Some are painfully true! What advice can you offer about backing up a trailer? Many of you suggested turning the bottom of the wheel the way you want the back of trailer to go, in addition […]
Continue reading …From the American Horse Council: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The American Horse Council doesn’t need a specific date on the calendar to know when to celebrate the horse, and we know that for those whose lives center around the horse, you don’t either. However, December 13 is National Day of the Horse. And it’s a time […]
Continue reading …“Whether you regard the horse with awe or love, it is impossible to escape the sheer power of his presence.” – Mary Wanless. Pictured is Kaleena Weakly with her handsome new boy, Moonlite Cruiser! Thank you to Kaleena for allowing us to share this beautiful photo by Corrin Hunt Photography. If you have a great photo […]
Continue reading …“The sight of that horse did something to me I’ve never been able to explain. He was more than tremedous strength and speed and beauty of motion. He set me dreaming.” – Walt Morey, author of Gentle Ben and Year of the Black Pony. This is five-year-old Rylee and her two-year-old, Only In My Briefs, […]
Continue reading …In this first photo from 2018, 5-year-old Harper Brinks was showing walk trot on “Cassie,” who took excellent care of her little rider. Harper had already insisted on hanging up the leadline at age four! Now in 2023, Harper is showing Cassie’s 6-year-old daughter by One Special Asset. “We started working with trainer Emily Ream […]
Continue reading …In between horse shows, it’s the perfect time to sharpen up your skills! This time, we’re reposting one of our helpful videos for rider presentation! Join Emily Tuma of 17HandsFit as she demonstrates how she styles her long and thick hair to go under an English helmet! PS – this was created for Instagram, so […]
Continue reading …This is Sarah Ford, AQHYA member, with Thats My Bae, aka “Louie.” Sara shows Louie in ranch classes, and this is from her senior photo shoot! She’s currently a Senior at Alrus Public School in Altus, OK. Thank you to Chrissy Alcorn for sending this one in! There’s nothing like taking your senior photos with your […]
Continue reading …“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” – Misty Copeland. “Here’s to all the dads who support their kids’ passion for horses!” says Stacee Watson Lukachek. This is Josie Lukachek with her dad, Nick, and her horse, Skeeter, in Whitehouse, Ohio. “My […]
Continue reading …Frodsham Farm knows how to party, with The Equine Chronicle magazines and calendars! Even their horses got in on the EC appreciation. Thank you to Judy Bonham for sharing this fun photo with us from the Frodsham Farm Christmas party, and Merry Christmas! If you have a great photo of the day, please send it […]
Continue reading …“Every Morning You Have Two Choices: Continue To Sleep With Your Dreams, Or Wake Up and Chase Them.” ~ Carmelo Anthony. This is 8-year-old Nevada Turner riding DT Harlan Doll, aka “Dolly.” “This team recently qualified for AQHA VRH World!” explains her mom, Ashley Turner. Thank you to Ashley for this wonderful photo! If you have […]
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