“I guess I just felt this was a mission that needed to be,” Carol says.
Continue reading …EC Photo of the Day: This little cowboy’s toy tractor met an untimely fate when it fell over the rail during performance halter classes yesterday. Thankfully, Ross Roark came to the rescue and recovered the toy from the arena before accepting his World Championship title with Intersection in Performance Halter Stallions. If you haven’t had […]
Continue reading …Thanks to Makena Lawrence for sending us this photo from their most recent IHSA show at The University of Findlay. If you have a photo taken with the magazine, or while wearing your Chronicle gear, send it to b.bevis@equinechronicle.com and you might see it featured on our website or Facebook page!
Continue reading …“She left A Scenic Cheerleader to Laura in her will, and we decided to leave it in Beth’s name until after the World Show. This was supposed to be her last little hurrah, but she couldn’t quite make it that far…”
Continue reading …Look who we spotted this morning handing out awards in the Weanling Stallions class at the 2013 APHA World Show! It’s Banks Ready! We’re so happy to see his smiling face back in the show pen. Our readers might remember that this longtime AjPHA exhibitor was involved in a car accident on May 24, 2012, during which […]
Continue reading …Our sincerest prayers go out to the family of AQHA horse trainer, Carl Yamber, who is currently recovering from a heart attack and stroke. We wish him the very best, and we know he will be back in the saddle very soon. Best wishes Carl!
Continue reading …“There are a lot of parallels between the military/aviation and horses,” he says. “[There are] things like attention to detail, dedication, and, most of all, camaraderie.”
Continue reading …It may only be a few days after Halloween, but retailers are already gearing up for Christmas! Breyer Animal Creations has released their 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, which includes plenty of great items for your little horse-lovers. Chalkboard Horse Paint on Canvas Horse Crazy Truck and Trailer Mystery Foal Surprise Gypsy Vanner Holiday on Parade […]
Continue reading …For a little fun to kick off the first day of the week, you should check out this humorous piece on EventingNation.com, which chronicles the top eight “spooking styles” of our beloved equine scaredy cats. Our personal favorites are the “Horizontal Teleport” and the “Grand Prix Dressage Horse Wannabe.” Click here to discover which spooking […]
Continue reading …On October 18th, we presented a challenge to our Equine Chronicle Facebook fans. At the time, our Facebook fan page was at 27,217 likes. We promised that if our fans could get the page up to 30,000 likes our very own Gordon Downey would ride the Congress mechanical bull! Well, our loyal fans pulled through […]
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