Parents reported the child learned to listen better, became less stubborn or sullen, showed higher levels of confidence during participation in leisure activities, played and interacted more appropriately with peers and they gained better body awareness.
Continue reading …One commented to researchers that her mother “would never remember what she did at the center during the day, but she always remembered what she did at the farm.”
Continue reading …Many equine rescue shelters struggle to give adoptable horses the resources they need to thrive, including veterinary care, shelter, training and proper nutrition. A Home for Every Horse helps these rescue shelters meet the demands of fostering and rehabilitating rescue horses by providing assistance and much-needed nutrition.
Continue reading …The USEF High School Equestrian Athlete program is open to equestrian athletes in all breeds or disciplines, who are enrolled in grades 9-12, and are currently USEF members, or become USEF members. The program runs June 1–May 31 of each year, and will honor those who document their training and competition involvement by awarding emblems and pins as a symbol of their achievement.
Continue reading …Today’s EC Photo and Video clip of the day comes from the Texarkana’s “Paint The Town” horse show that took place over the weekend in Arkansas. A very special event occurred at the show when longtime APHA member, Banks Ready, made his debut in the show pen for the first time since a devastating car […]
Continue reading …“My mother probably would have said I was foaled in 1943, rather than born,” she said. “Growing up in the middle of Memphis, horse ownership was not an option. The best I could do was to collect glass and plastic horses or pretend I was a horse.”
Continue reading …The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. has announced its highest selling Clydesdale ever at the National Clydesdale Sale. The 6-year old gelding sold for $60,000, topping the previous sale record of $40,000 in 2006.
Continue reading …“I’m not nervous at all. I’ve been showing horses my whole life. After everything I’ve been through, there’s nothing that can scare me.”
Continue reading …Located just outside of the main barn area, Hickman’s “Equine Safe Room” is rated to withstand an F5 tornado. The building was designed to hold ten horses in tie stalls in a slant-trainer load format.
Continue reading …The fabric is textured much like a golf ball with dimpling that moves air across it with minimal resistance. Thoroughbred race horses can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour and Quarter Horses can reach top speeds of 55 miles per hour, so drag is as important in horse racing as it is in auto racing or cycling.
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