Earlier in the year, AQHA hosted a photo contest, encouraging all AQHA members to submit photos of an American Quarter Horse. More than 430 entries were received, and AQHA and American Quarter Horse Hall Fame & Museum staff selected 100 to be displayed at the 2015 AQHA Photography Show & Sale, October 24 – November 28 at the Museum. This is the first time member photography has been featured in an exhibit at the Hall of Fame.
Continue reading …The rippling muscles, long flowing locks, smooth and supple hair coats… Wait a minute. Nope, we’re not talking about a typical Man Crush Monday. We’re going gaga over the stunning equine specimens featured in the 2016 edition of the Horse and Hunk Calendar, which, for the first time ever, is now available in North America.
Continue reading …“It was freak accident,” Cantleberry recalls. “The severity of smashing this artery is you have a 5 percent chance of making it to the hospital and a 5 percent chance of making it out of surgery, and I was lucky enough to do both.”
Continue reading …Is you’re horse a little spoooooky? While typically not a desirable trait in an equine companion, he will fit in perfectly this upcoming Halloween weekend! There are plenty of haunted hayrides, moonlit trail rides, and horseback costume competitions taking place all over the US.
Continue reading …During this popular, season-ending show, park horses and their riders are likely to show up as just about any kind of human/horse costume. Guests will experience fun at HalloWhinny and see some creative costumes with performances set to music.
Continue reading …The collection includes approximately 767 trophies and 122 plaques that Crundwell won at countless horse shows spanning a 22-year period. Not included are 152 belt buckles; those will be sold in smaller lots in a separate online auction of other Crundwell assets in November.
Continue reading …“We are delighted with this decision,” said Craig Huffhines, AQHA Executive Vice President. “Our staff and legal teams have devoted countless hours fighting for our members’ rights, and we’re grateful for the Fifth Circuit’s decision that leaves intact the well-reasoned opinion in AQHA’s favor.”
Continue reading …Today’s Equine Chronicle Fan Photo of the Day comes from Rebekah Kazakevicius, who was named the Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Congress Champion last night with her horse, Not Just Anyhoo. In a very sweet gesture, she gifted her winner’s jacket to everyone’s favorite arena gate man, John, who is always ready with a smile for every competitor here at the Congress.
Continue reading …“I thought he was destined to have his name broadcast over the loud speakers and his name in lights wherever you took him. So here’s a tribute to him… His name is in the dirt in Texas for him to look down on and remember where his home is.”
Continue reading …“They discovered an almost 13 inch tumor in her chest,” Becca’s mother Yvonne says. “They told us she had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and we were very lucky it was contained.”
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