Approved horsemen and women will be expected to halter train each horse or burro, while teaching trailer loading and unloading, and preparing the animal for future farrier work. After the training requirements are met, the participant is responsible for finding an adopter for the gentled animal, which is available to the public for $125.
Continue reading …One month after the surgery, Shine was fitted with an artificial hoof from OrthoPets, a company in Westminster, Colo., that specializes in animal prostheses. Shine will be the fourth miniature horse to receive an OrthoPets hoof, which looks like a narrow ski boot with a foam liner and bike-tire treads.
Continue reading …“I think one of the major roadblocks for me was gender. I had more than one male farrier refuse to have me ride with them purely because I was a woman.” She went on to explain that she was often the focal point of the farrier visit when horse owners and stable managers would exclaim, “Oh! A female farrier. I haven’t seen one of those.”
Continue reading …The Ride-In is important because it puts a face on the $102 billion horse industry and the millions of Americans who are part of it. Congress deals with various issues that impact the horse industry, including taxes, gaming, immigration, welfare issues, access to trails and public lands, diseases, and interstate and international movement of horses.
Continue reading …This package is designed to avoid the bills from pilling up with no answers. The resources available to the attending veterinarian include: lameness evaluation, X-rays, ultrasound, nerve and joint blocks and the Hallmarq Standing Equine MRI.
Continue reading …If your aim is to make a living and a profit with horses, you need to make room for horses that pay their way as part of your business program. Make a list of the horses you own and start tracking the revenue they provide. Evaluate the income stream, deduct the carrying costs, and determine the contribution to your profit. Keep the performers and the retirees you treasure and help the rest find a new home.
Continue reading …Vincent notes, “Living in Tennessee, I have been around horses my entire life and this collection really draws from all of my experiences around such a strong but majestic animal. From tacking and grooming to riding on trails and in rodeos to the lifestyle of the community, the jewelry is a compliment to it all.”
Continue reading …“Bailey is an outstanding student-athlete and is very deserving of this honor,” South Carolina head coach Boo Major said. “All of our student-athletes have a lot of things they have to balance between their academic commitments and their team commitments, and Bailey obviously has helped set the gold standard for excellence in the classroom.”
Continue reading …More than 180 non-profit equine rescue and retirement facilities in the United States recently received 3,200 complimentary doses of core vaccines through the Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (UHVRC). Supported in partnership by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) and Merck Animal Health, the UHVRC has delivered more than 21,000 free vaccines to horses in need since its inception in December 2008.
Continue reading …The tiniest of horse show exhibitors will have the opportunity to compete right alongside their idols at the upcoming Little Futurity with two classes designed especially for them! We chatted with Gale Little to find out more about this fun idea.
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