Marley Mainwaring is about to embark on her last ride as a 5th year Senior with Baylor Equestrian this coming weekend, March 23rd – 24th, at the Big 12 Championship in Oklahoma. “She has shown since she was 7 and now she’s 23!” says her mom, Mindie Maus. In the first photo from 2008, Marley is […]
Continue reading …Congratulations to Courtney Allen and John Robert McCarter on their marriage Saturday, March 18, 2023! They were married at The Barn at Blue Sky Farm, a beautiful venue in Dallas, North Carolina, and the G-Man and Charlie were there as guests to capture a glimpse of the couple’s special day. Scroll the gallery below:
Continue reading …A Monday morning treat for you: A lovely picture of a colt born March 18, 2023, by Best Get Your Wallet. “The fascination in the maiden mare’s expression is priceless!” says Lisa Scerbo, owner of Best Get Your Wallet. The new colt is bred and owned by Meredith Smith of NB Canada. Thank you to Lisa […]
Continue reading …There’s nothing better than a foal who lopes everywhere! That’s the case for “Frenchy,” a 6-week-old fancy bay filly by Good Better Best and out of Hotties Only (Hot Ones Only). Barrow Veterinary Service reports “she lopes absolutely everywhere!“ Frenchy and her momma are owned by Kaylee Bandy and are under the premier care and guidance […]
Continue reading …If this is not a perfect representation of the 2023 Scottsdale Arizona Sun Circuit experience, we don’t know what is. A beautiful day and smiling faces. Pictured: Kensley Porter and her trainer TR Potts, with Kensley’s horse, Heavenwillhavetowait. They took some hardware back to South Carolina after winning the 11 & Under Circuit Championship and after […]
Continue reading …This past Thursday, March 16, 2023, we posted the above photo and we asked readers: Hint – this rider is currently training with Highpoint Performance Horses. Who is she, and what horse is this? Bonus: This horse also won at Youth World in 1993. Answer: Lindsay Gunderlock Smaltz won the Youth World twice in […]
Continue reading …“For the whole world is Irish on the seventeenth o’ March!” — Thomas Augustine Daly. Did you remember to wear green? Kensley Porter and Heavenwillhavetowait, aka “Winston” did, at the 2022 SCQHA Spooktacular. Thank you to Jenny Porter for the wonderful Peter Pan and Tinkerbell photo!
Continue reading …Pictured is new colt, VS Got the Blues, bred by Jeannine Miller. “Brody” is by VS Code Blue out of Simply Inviting, Simply Hot, mare, says Jeannine. “He is a tall, red roan colt!” Thank you to Jeannine for the cute photo! If you have a great foal photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” ― Franz Kafka. Pictured is 2-Year-Old Owen Fahlman with his family’s Good Better Best filly! Thank you to Meagan Fahlman for the adorable photo! We have several foal photos coming your way, but if […]
Continue reading …What a perfect comparison! First in our gallery is Taylor Foster at age 8, riding FSF Hot N Sonny, aka “Mocha.” Pictured next is Taylor Foster riding Certainly Well Made, aka “Brev.” Thank you to Taylor for the great rail photos! If you have a Transformation Tuesday set of photos, we have lots more […]
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