Normally, within 24 to 48 hours of exposure, infected horses begin to demonstrate coughing, fever, depression and decreased feed intake.
Continue reading …Starting a horse judging team can be intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. This is the place to start. With a few helpful tips and resources, developing a strong team can be done.
Continue reading …At least 8 million horses and mules were used by all the various countries involved, and of those, at least 1.2 million came from the United States. Only about 200 equines returned to the U.S.
Continue reading …“If you become separated from your pet in an emergency evacuation advise local vets, animal welfare shelters and rescue organizations. It’s crucial that your pet is microchipped and registered with the local council to make it easier to be re-united in an emergency,” she said.
Continue reading …Bucket Brigade: If you plan to use heated buckets, it’s time to get them out NOW… before you have to chip ice out of them on that first freezing morning. Even if you don’t use bucket heaters, make sure that your water line is well insulated and you are not at risk of it freezing if the temperatures suddenly plummet.
Continue reading …The Lunch and Learn Series is held once a week over the 12-week span of the festival and features experts on a variety of topics including management, horsemanship, and veterinary medicine. Admission is free to riders, trainers, and horse owners or tickets are available for purchase for $25. Held at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center, new topics are presented each week with the intent to better inform horseman in the sport on a wide variety of important topics.
Continue reading …Techniques for mud management, composting manure, pasture management, chemical use reduction and water conservation are all win-win for horse health, chore efficiency and environmental integrity.
Continue reading …Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A (as beta carotene) along with vitamin E quickly become oxidized (destroyed) shortly after cutting due to exposure to heat, air, light, and moisture.
Continue reading …Flaxseeds are low in sugar and starch (2.6%), making them safe for horses with insulin resistance, PPID (Cushing’s), and PSSM. They are high in fiber (47%) with a large amount of pectin and mucilage.[vi] These water-soluble fibers create a soothing gel inside the digestive tract.
Continue reading …As with any horse, he should be eating 1-2% of his body weight in roughage every day. Keep in mind that horses burn more calories in the winter staying warm. Your horse’s body ferments roughage in the hindgut, which creates heat that helps keep him warm from the inside.
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