For blankets, the ideal situation is a tall wall glide system that hangs the blankets at full length. However, not everyone has room for this luxury. Blanket bars can be fabricated out of plumbing pipe on stall doors, or a rubber coated chain can be hooked onto the outside of the stall door.
Continue reading …The biggest controllable determinant for a successful surgical outcome is minimizing the duration of clinical signs before surgical intervention. Early correction of twisted intestines can obviate the need for costly resections (removal of sections of intestines). In addition, timely intervention can limit the collateral damage to the intestine, which can lead to serious disruptions in propulsive motility requiring lengthy hospital stays, increased cost and complications such as adhesions.
Continue reading …“I truly believe, once you see a foal born, you will never be the same.”
Continue reading …Ultimately, upwards of 500 horses were evacuated to the fairgrounds. That week would also see 15 members of the Livestock Herd Health Service and the Livestock Medicine Service join the efforts at the Sonoma and Solano County Fairgrounds and the Napa High School Vintage Farm evacuation centers.
Continue reading …On Feb. 21, DOT released two guidance documents that shed more light on the rule as it pertained to horses and agriculture. They also opened a comment section on their site and put out a call for questions and concerns, which will be used to develop a frequently asked question document. AHC expects 85% of the horse industry to be exempt from the ELD requirement once final clarifications are made.
Continue reading …When it is damaged or diseased, endothelial cells don’t work correctly, and the cornea fills with water and swells, giving the characteristic blue color and resulting in reduced vision and pain.
Continue reading …The researchers have also been working with a leading veterinary ultrasound company, BCF Technology, to develop an App vets can use to record their ultrasound findings using the new scoring system.
Continue reading …B.T. is what they called the Trail era “Before Tim” Kimura, when Trail was the disjointed, black sheep of the horse show world. “It was always the last class of the day, there were barely any entries, and nobody wanted to drag the poles around at the end of the show,” recalls Tim.
Continue reading …Feed tags and hay analyses often list ingredients as “ppm” or parts per million. Does this confuse you? You aren’t alone. The best way to think of ppm is as milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of feed (since a mg is a one millionth “part” of a kg). Therefore, when using mg/kg, all you have to do is make sure you’re dealing with kg of feed (instead of lbs) before doing your calculations.
Continue reading …“You can make or break your class based on the 10 minute warm up beforehand. All horses are in tune to us more than we realize…”
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