Here are some ideas for checklists you can create that will keep your business running smoothly:
Continue reading …Grants will range from $5,000 to $25,000 and will be available to organizations in Florida and Wisconsin with law enforcement authority to address equine cruelty or working in partnership with such agencies. The funding will be used to increase housing capacity and provide other resources that would facilitate the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of equines from situations of cruelty and neglect.
Continue reading …Hay and the environment are the most causative agents for allergens that trigger Inflammatory Airway Disease and Recurrent Airway Obstruction (often called “heaves”). As such, these are the respiratory conditions we target with the use of steamed hay. We’ve found that Haygain steamed hay will drastically reduce the allergen sources from hay, helping horses with Equine Asthma, IAD and RAO and including horses that live with very low grade, often undiagnosed, versions of inflammatory airway disease.
Continue reading …Signs of West Nile virus and eastern equine encephalomyelitis include fever (though not always with West Nile virus), anorexia, head pressing, depression or personality change, wobbling or staggering, weakness, blindness, convulsions, muscle spasms in the head and neck, or hind-limb weakness.
Continue reading …New to the HorseIQ Library are longe line videos from the 2017 APHA World Championship Show. Use these videos to improve your understanding of the class judging priorities and scoring system, to practice judging and scoring each run, and to understand the nuances that compile to create a winning performance.
Continue reading …The samples were analyzed, and the results confirmed that the tall fescue in some of the farm’s pastures had high ergovaline levels. Ergovaline is a toxin produced by endophyte-infected tall fescue that affects pregnant broodmares.
Continue reading …Ensure your wraps only place pressure on the front of the cannon bone and only light pressure on the delicate tendons behind the leg.
Continue reading …Fluid and electrolyte losses in sweat are greater for intense efforts, but horses working for prolonged periods at lower levels may accumulate equivalent sweat losses.
Continue reading …“We have a method to detect inflammation in horses and are proposing to determine its utility in the early detection of an impending catastrophic injury,” said Allen Page, principal investigator and scientist/veterinarian at the Gluck Equine Research Center.
Continue reading …In the first video, Cheramie details how to perform a complete gastroscopic exam, explaining horse preparation and how to best manipulate the scope to view each portion of the stomach with ease. He also discusses what to look for and how to grade and characterize the lesion findings. The video demonstrates techniques for maximizing observation of lesions, including appropriate insufflation and rinsing, along with other tips.
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