From Valley Vet Supply: By Tony Hawkins, DVM, Valley Vet Supply Consulting Veterinarian “Healthy as a horse” starts with spring vaccinations. As horses are exposed daily to the environment, wildlife and mosquitoes that transmit the five core equine diseases, it’s important to follow the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) core equine disease vaccination protocol. […]
Continue reading …From Equine Science Update, posted by Mark Andrews: Can the growth and maturation of yearling Thoroughbreds be accelerated by artificially extending the day length? A Japanese study has been exploring this possibility. Hokkaido, the mostly northerly of Japan’s main islands, is the primary breeding ground for over 97% of Thoroughbreds in the country. Hokkaido experiences […]
Continue reading …In order to help your horse shed its thick winter hair, it is first important to understand what makes its hair grow. Although hair growth generally coincides with colder temperatures, it is primarily the amount of daylight hours that affects a horse’s hair growth, or lack thereof.
Continue reading …From Kentucky Equine Research: Soybeans and soybean byproducts are commonly used as ingredients in horse feeds. Whole soybeans are legume seeds primarily used as a source of protein and fat in horse feeds. Soy oil is a palatable and readily available source of fat in horse feeds and is sometimes top-dressed to increase fat and […]
Continue reading …From Boehringer Ingelheim: DULUTH, Ga. (FEBRUARY 19, 2024) — A new global commercial partnership between Boehringer Ingelheim and Sleip will expand access to AI to enhance detection, diagnosis and treatment of lameness in horses. This partnership delivers on the shared commitment of Boehringer and Sleip to deliver innovative solutions that help veterinary professionals continue to advance their profession and improve […]
Continue reading …By Nikki Alvin-Smith for Horizon Structures Do you know the artful ways to make small spaces feel like big places? Interior design knowledge can help you make the most of your horse barn tack room space. Improve the form, fit and functionality with these simple approaches to design. These methods are all easy to implement […]
Continue reading …From World Equestrian Center: Following the report of a positive EHV-1 case at a local Ohio horse show facility, World Equestrian Center (WEC) extends its thoughts and prayers to the affected horses and their owners, trainers and caregivers. While no horses have tested positive for EHV – 1 at WEC – Wilmington, horses that have […]
Continue reading …By Kentucky Equine Research Staff: Kentucky Equine Research nutritionist Katie Young, Ph.D., recently sat down with the podcast“Tack Box Talk” for an episode titled, “Allergen and Microbiome Testing: Are They Worth It?” Because of her background in equine nutrition, Young has encountered several horse owners who have provided lists—sometimes long lists—of feedstuffs their horses couldn’t […]
Continue reading …A standard body clip is done with a #10 blade, and you should have at least three blades on hand. Blade cleaning supplies include blade wash and blade coolant. Things that aren’t exactly necessary, but can be very useful to have on hand, include a twitch, coat conditioner such as Showsheen, towels and one unexpected tool: sidewalk chalk.
Continue reading …From the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee: Although protein is normally listed as a nutrient, horses actually have a requirement for amino acids, the building blocks of protein, rather than for protein itself. Protein is the least efficient energy source for your horse, so high protein does not automatically equal high energy. Carbohydrates, fats, and fiber […]
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