There is in the sense that so much enters the horse through the nose, which is the gateway to the respiratory system. (Remember, horses are “obligate nasal breathers.” They don’t breathe through their mouth.) If the immune system is already responding to an airway irritant, then gets hit with an allergen, it can get very wound up.
Continue reading …The equestrian world does not have an exact corollary effort, but veterinarians, horse owners and other stakeholders acknowledge the increasing impact of asthma and allergies on the equine population. One example is adoption of the term “Equine Asthma Spectrum” a few years ago. The intent by the veterinary community is to improve awareness and understanding by aligning descriptions of the progression of asthma in horses with those in people.
Continue reading …Do you know a crest from a croup? Elbows from hocks? This free downloadable chart is perfect for any horseman or -woman learning horse conformation or anyone wanting to brush up on their knowledge.
Continue reading …Spring is vaccine season! UC Davis equine clinician and infectious disease expert Dr. Nicola Pusterla shares the latest on this important topic in the spring issue of the UC Davis Center for Equine Health’s Horse Report. The issue answers common questions about equine vaccines, including:
Continue reading …“The science is closing in on those who seek to use these advancements for wrongful means; the more we learn with each study, the harder it will be for individuals who seek to cheat the system using gene doping strategies.”
Continue reading …She will examine the horse-human interaction, and how EAS affects both humans and horses during these types of interventions. The population that Ms. Rankins is currently recruiting are male combat veterans who served in the Iraq or Afghanistan theaters of operation. This group has been selected in order to reduce variability in the measured variables, which include hormones that differ between males and females, and selecting the most recent theaters of operation in order to remove variables that come with the passage of time.
Continue reading …NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ – The Equine Science Center at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is pleased to notify undergraduate students and incoming freshman of the Doris C. Murphy scholarship application deadline extension. In order to make sure that more applicants have the time and ability to apply, the Center has extended the typical […]
Continue reading …AAEP The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) has published on its website comprehensive guidelines to assist practitioners and regulatory agencies with identification, diagnosis and control of epizootic lymphangitis, a contagious, chronic granulomatous disease of the skin, lymphatic vessels and nodes of the limbs, neck and chest of horses and other equid species.
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