Once at the VMTH, Drs. Monica Aleman, Krista Estell and Elsbeth Swain, with the Equine Medicine Service, quickly took notice of his symptoms – anorexia, lethargy, fever, diarrhea, colic. All of these are common signs of equine coronavirus (ECoV) infection, a recently discovered contagious disease that has been on the rise in adult horses.
Continue reading …The weather has been wet and soggy and now it’s warming up – a combination which means (among other things): more mosquitoes and a higher risk of mosquito-borne diseases to humans, pets and livestock.
Continue reading …If something should happen to your pet en route or at your destination, it is important to be able to find a veterinarian quickly. A great resource is the AVMA’s MyVeterinarian.com, where you can search vets by zip code or city/state.
Continue reading …Hay quality has a big influence on animal performance—for health and body condition, growth of young horses, broodmares, stallions, show horses, etc.
Continue reading …No matter the discipline, proper conditioning is a key element toward enhancing your horse’s athletic performance and its ability to endure the activity without succumbing to injury or health problems.
Continue reading …“Initially, animals will arch their backs, show an anxious expression or be reluctant to move, using an uneasy, careful gait,” Troxel said. “Forced sudden movements as well as defecating, urinating, lying down, getting up, and stepping over barriers may be accompanied by groaning.”
Continue reading …“The signs range from depression, muscle weakness, recumbency, choke or colic-like symptoms to dark red urine. The sooner AM is diagnosed the better the likely outcome.”
Continue reading …The lung disease has no FDA approved treatments and is killing horses, including thoroughbred horses, and other domestic animals, just as it’s claiming an increasing number of human lives. The scientists are hoping the animals will hold a key to finding desperately needed treatments faster for both.
Continue reading …Friday, April 25- 11:30-12:45- Secrets to Getting Lift Out of Your Performance Horse for Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail, or Hunter Under Saddle- Morand Arena
Friday, April 25- 1:15-2:30- How to Groom For the Show Ring- Round Pen
There are a few bullet points to remember to comply with GR 414:
– No horses or ponies may be injected within twelve hours of competing.
– There are only three exceptions to this rule: therapeutic fluids, antibiotics, and Dexamethasone (for the treatment of hives).