Tip #3- Minimize your horse(s) having direct contact with unknown horses, especially nose to nose contact.
Continue reading …This is an inaugural unique event that brings together Master Horsemen from various disciplines on the same stage for two solid days of clinics intended for horse owners, trainers and riders. Guests can expect to invest a weekend of their time in order to reap a lifetime of better experiences and connection with their horses.
Continue reading …Some of the topics explored will be: Embryo Flush, Embryo Transfer, Oocyte Collection (collecting eggs), and ICSI.
Continue reading …The growing reality of drug-resistance in parasites has made managing them a serious concern for horse professionals. Administering a rotational deworming schedule is no longer an adequate way to control parasites and could end up costing you more in the long run.
Continue reading …Dr. Tomlinson will discuss the unique aspects of horse physiology that make horses susceptible to developing ulcers. She will also explain common practices that increase risk of ulcers, while offering simple management changes that can reduce risk.
Continue reading …Ecker notes that weight alone does not give us enough information, as a fat horse and a well-muscled horse can be of the same weight, but as in humans, muscle weighs more than fat.
Continue reading …With two out of three competitive horses suffering from equine stomach ulcers, horse owners need access to important information about: understanding how ulcers occur, recognizing the clinical signs of ulcers, preventing and treating ulcers, and knowing which products are effective.
Continue reading …One of the competitors at the Devon Horse Show this year will be an unlikely Thoroughbred champion currently undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center.
Continue reading …As the weather warms up and the grass starts to green, it is tempting to turn horses out on pasture.
Continue reading …Pusterla’s study, presented at the American Association of Equine Practitioners convention, examined 268 horses from eight outbreaks in six states, including California. The researchers were able to determine several items, including length of infectiousness, common clinical signs, and the most effective method of testing.
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