Such wounds are challenging to treat because of the weight of the abdominal contents bearing down on the surgical repair. The damaged muscle layers may not be strong enough to withstand the tension on the sutures used to repair the defect. It is often necessary to implant some mesh to strengthen the damaged muscle layers and repair the defect.
Continue reading …Understanding the judging hierarchy demystifies how a Western Pleasure class should be judged. It gives both the judge and the exhibitor a qualitative framework to evaluate a horse’s performance.
Continue reading …Your work day is limited like the restaurant chef’s. It’s a time based revenue system. When you get behind due to lack of preparation and inefficient systems, lessons run behind, students are unhappy, other business tasks don’t get done, and tension and frustration build for you and your staff. Here are a few suggestion of what a mise-en place philosophy might look like for your lesson and horse business where you are prepared and ready for work each day.
Continue reading …The team used an endoscopy capsule about the size and shape of a vitamin pill—a sort of “mini submarine” with a camera—to have a look inside a horse.
Continue reading …During the lecture, she will discuss regular timing for evaluation of the mare, routine management (including vaccination and deworming), and signs of giving birth or of impending abortion. Specific topics such as twins, fetal gender identification, and placentitis also will be covered.
Continue reading …“I was shocked when I learned about hoof mechanism and how blood is circulated throughout the horse’s body,” she said. “I didn’t know the foot plays a critical role in the cardiovascular system. Working on this project has changed the way I look at what surface my horse is on, how he reacts, and what he’s communicating to me.”
Continue reading …Reduce Your Horse’s Risk of Infection When Traveling
Continue reading …Veterans participating in THR had statistically significant decreases in their PTSD symptoms throughout the study period; and the benefit increased the longer an individual was in the riding program.
Continue reading …CT and MRI produce virtual slices of structures that can be used to form a 3D picture, making it possible to identify very small, but clinically significant lesions (such as tooth root abscesses) amongst very complex anatomy.
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