It’s well-known that stress, training, trailering and competition can cause occasional gut issues in performance horses. This can cause horses to be cinchy, have a rough hair coat, go off feed, and not perform to their potential.
Continue reading …Riding and working at the barn is a highly effective cardio workout. Following is the average calories burned by a 155 lb. rider:
Walking at 4 mph- 281 calories, Riding at a walk- 176 calories, Grooming- 422 calories, Shoveling- 422 calories, Riding at a trot- 457 calories, Riding at a canter- 563 calories.
Hosts from 38 states have planned over 350 events so far. Family days at horse shows, Girl Scout badge work, an Arabian horse breed showcase, school field trips, and pony and carriage rides are just a few examples of the creative, accessible events that event hosts have planned already. The Challenge encourages businesses to use innovative strategies to bring horses to previously uninitiated groups.
Continue reading …In order to provide the foal with the necessary nutrition, an Igloo cooler was retrofitted with a sheep nipple to allow for nursing. Finally, a bit of success! The filly took to nursing from the cooler quickly, allowing for one big hurdle to be overcome.
Continue reading …“I was afraid it might start bleeding, but when I pulled my finger out of the wound, gas rushed out of that hole and the stench was foul. I opened it more, grabbed chunks of necrotic muscle tissue and dragged it out. I opened the infected area, packed it with penicillin-soaked gauze, and started the mare on penicillin injections.”
Continue reading …If you’re looking for the perfect getaway that’s also a knowledge-filled learning experience, look no further… Dana Hokana is returning October 1-2, 2016 to the beautiful 320 Guest Ranch located just outside of Big Sky, Montana.
Continue reading …“Preliminary data suggests that PET will be the next big revolution in equine imaging since the development of MRI,” said Spriet.
Continue reading …To better assist equine owners looking to ensure a horse that’s competing or being purchased hasn’t been given a tranquilizing drug, the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) now offers a Long-Acting Tranquilizer test.
Continue reading …The surgeons identified the super scapular nerve, cut the tendon away from the bone fragments, and filled a small bowl with nuggets of bone – one almost 3 inches long. Levine keeps them on a shelf in his office.
Continue reading …Many training programs have a pinnacle event in mind. In this case, a work back plan is created based on when you want the horse to be in peak fitness. The journey leading up to the main event consists of weeks and months of conditioning including a lead up with smaller events to ensure the horse is ready for the more strenuous task ahead. It only takes one month off for a horse to start losing fitness.
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