At the end of the 30 day period, 11 out of 13 horses demonstrated weight loss with an average of 33.8 lbs, with some losing in excess of 50 lbs. Foot soreness was also improved in 7 out of the 13 patients.
Continue reading …This symposium will feature legal experts from the Tri-State area who will speak on topics including: “Basic Introduction of Business Formation for Equine Operators,” “Liability Avoidance from Bio-Security Issues to Stableman’s Lien Act,” “U.S. Immigration Law Basics & Recent Updates,” “Overview of Workers Compensation Law for Equine Operations,” “The Importance of an Equine Accountant,” and “Basic Insurance Coverage for Equine Operations.”
Continue reading …The daily activities of horses in training can lead to everyday wear and tear on the joint, which results in synovial membrane and joint capsule inflammation (synovitis and capsulitis). In most cases of equine OA, it’s this stress on the joint that initiates the process.
Continue reading …The barrel racer’s bone scan showed a hot spot right where the spine attaches to the base of the skull, indicating an injury. But the radiographs were inconclusive.
Continue reading …“No ‘bute’ or Banamine, forever,” Nolen-Walston said. “The biggest question was whether she would bounce back from disease to be a successful race horse, and could she be successful as a racehorse drug-free?”
Continue reading …Watch video examples with explanations of penalties and maneuver scores, judge a class online with ‘reasons’ by an official judge, and put your skills to the test by judging numerous runs and comparing your scores to official APHA World Show judges’ scorecards.
Continue reading …“As a general rule all blogs should, by their very nature, be treated with extreme caution. The brilliance of the internet is that it has made a huge amount of information available very easily. Conversely, one of the main weaknesses of the internet is that it has made a huge amount of information available very easily,” Dr Milner said.
Continue reading …The presentation, “Neurological Exam: Evaluate Your Horse Before Someone Gets Hurt,” will take place on tonight, Tuesday, September 6, at 6:30 p.m. at New Bolton Center, 382 West Street Road, Kennett Square, PA. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Continue reading …Blood typing a horse involves molecular biology, using antibodies to identify a particular blood type. There are seven recognized equine blood group systems – A, C, D, K, P, Q, U – but more than 400,000 antigenic combinations.
Continue reading …“There is science to this. There are ways to measure welfare,” Pierdon said. “It is important to have the students open their minds to the many new methods and ideas that are out there.”
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