By Delores Kuhlwein The All American Quarter Horse Congress Versatility Stakes are legendary, and over the years at its peak, a win in the famous Congress Versatility was not just coveted – it was a time for teams to shine and an opportunity for sheer joy and excitement for a packed house in the Celeste […]
Continue reading …Heads up, long ear fans! If you love a good long ear, then you’re in for a huge treat with our 2023 South Carolina State Fair Donkey & Mule Show images! The show just wrapped up after their October 20th & 21st event in Columbia, South Carolina. Thanks to Jessica O’Connor Equine Imagery, we have over […]
Continue reading …The Palmetto Paint Horse Club held their Palmetto Classic show at SC Equine Park in Camden on October 7-8, 2023. The PPHC offers APHA sanctioned shows that also include Open Classes and NSBA Dual Approved Classes, and the October judges were Tony Burris and Pat Smith. At this show, they also hosted a Freestyle Dog Showmanship held […]
Continue reading …The Florida Color Horse Club just held their Spooktacular Colors Show October 20-22, 2023, at Alachua County Agriculture & Equestrian Center in Newberry, Florida. The APHA/ApHC/All Breed 2 Judge Show hosted judges Cindy Mergaert from Florida and Heather Young from Texas. The innovative shows produced by FCHC hold their APHA and ApHC classes concurrently as allowed by […]
Continue reading …At the 2023 World Ranch Horse Association World Show this year in Winnemucca, Nevada, running October 4-8, a new precedence was set – two exhibitors were honored with the WRHA Most Valuable Exhibitor Award, and congratulations goes to both Julie Jennings and Linda Snapp, who were nominated by their peers. The World Ranch Horse Association’s […]
Continue reading …From WCHA: The World Conformation Horse Association recently established an award to both honor and remember Bruce Walquist, a highly respected WCHA member and Specialized Halter Judge. Everyone in the stock horse industry felt the loss of Bruce’s sudden passing, as he set the standard for professionalism and kindness toward others. The positive influence Bruce had on […]
Continue reading …Winning an All-Around or High-Point title is a dream of many exhibitors who travel to Columbus each year. Congratulations to the following list of title winners for 2023! Youth All-Around Champion: Lilly Jones and Chilln Ona Dirt Road Reserve Champion: Kaylee Grace Olds and Playin It Cool High-Point Small Fry Champion: Annabel Steffens […]
Continue reading …From the All American Quarter Horse Congress: Winning an All-Around or High-Point title is a dream of many exhibitors who travel to Columbus each year. Congratulations to the following list of title winners for 2023! All-Around Horse Champion: Strutin To The Blues Reserve Champion: That Is That All-Around Amateur Champion: Mallory Vroegh and […]
Continue reading …Super Sires at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress 2YO Open Western Pleasure – Breeders Purse Brought to you by Super Sires Super Sires is grateful to the Congress for hosting our classes again this year and allowing SUPER SIRES to join you in bringing health and prosperity to our Quarter Horse industry. Super Sires is […]
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