The Triple Crown: the accolade marks a significant achievement in both horse racing and baseball; how fitting then that youth exhibitor Lane Kail and his equine partner Battarang have achieved what few other exhibitors ever will. Going into the 2023 show season, Kail had one goal—hit it out of the park with Battarang and bring home the youth western pleasure triple crown.
Continue reading …The Arizona Paint Horse Club Copper Country Paint O Ramas are an Arizona tradition for American Paint Horses, first held for over 30 years in Tucson, and moved to WestWorld of Scottsdale in 2014. The first 4-judge POR happens the last three days of December, and it enables club members to wrap up their year […]
Continue reading …From NSBA: The National Snaffle Bit Association recently announced that the association has revamped how year-end award points are tabulated, beginning with the 2024 show year. The new point system will add a base point for each entry the horse places above to a maximum of 11 entries, which will then be added to the […]
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It’s the age-old debate that’s perhaps even more complex and controversial than ‘which came first- the chicken or the egg?’ And that is…
Continue reading …The Florida Gold Coast Show, held from December 27-31, 2023, in Tampa, Florida, offered 6 AQHA shows and 2 NSBA shows, with $50,000 in free jackpot classes for both circuits! Judges were: Jill Newcomb, Murray Griggs, Stephen Stephens, Terry Cross, Nancy Renfro, Chele McGauley, Shannon Walker, Kristy Starnes, David Denniston, Derek Hanscome, Buddy Fisher, Clay MacLeod, […]
Continue reading …2023 High Point/Reserve High Points: 2023 HIGH POINT 2023 Halter High Point/Reserve High Points: APHC Show High Pt 2023 All NSBA Futurities: All CCPOR Futurity results Looking for each day’s results? Find them below: Class results for December 29, 2023: December 29th POR Class […]
Continue reading …On Sunday, December 31st, the first POR was wrapping up (Trail classes will complete the POR on January 1st) at the APHC Copper Country show at WestWorld. In the Equidome, the morning was kicked off with Western Pleasure, and for the second year in a row, Karen Qualls won the NSBA All Age Open Western […]
Continue reading …Everyone here at The Equine Chronicle would like to wish you a Happy New Year and to all our horses – Happy Birthday! Best of luck with your horse showing endeavors in 2024, and thank you for your loyal patronage throughout the years. We’re looking forward to an exciting future, promoting both you and the […]
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