“I don’t think I could ever repay him for all he did for me. That’s part of the reason I always kept him. I felt like he deserved a great life for making mine so much better.”
Continue reading …“My dad had the ring in his pocket, and he handed it over the rail to Zac as he was jogging down the rail during the second direction,” she says. “Zac then put it in his pocket until the right moment. It was quite the hand off; we even have it on video.”
Continue reading …“We tend to see more incidences of physitis in foals that are pushed for fast growth with diets high in protein and energy. It may help to back off on those feeds,” says Baxter.
Continue reading …Just moments ago, Rock County Kid claimed his second slot class win of the 2014 Little Futurity, this time with owner Sharnai Thompson in the saddle. The pair was the winning duo that took home first place honors in the $20,000 added Non-Pro 3 and Over $7,500 Ltd. Horse Western Pleasure slot class.
Continue reading …Impressive performances in some of the largest classes of the weekend resulted in top honors for Lauren Diaz with Promotional Asset and Cydney Benes with Rockin Rasinette in 14-18 Showmanship; Tim Zuidema with The Cape Crusader and Rusty Green with Rock County Kid in L1 Western Pleasure; Rusty Green with Only A Breeze and Cleve Wells with Cool Poco Dot in Junior Western Pleasure; Hillary Roberts with Whatscookngoodlookin and Deanna Green with Bestseatinthehouse in 14-18 Western Pleasure;
Continue reading …On the list of the most popular vacation destinations you’re likely to find hot spots like Paris, Cancun, or Hawaii, probably not DuQuoin, Illinois. However, The Summer Run proves year after year that the event isn’t just a horse show, it’s a nine-day AQHA extravaganza that provides the opportunity for plenty of fun along the way.
Continue reading …A true all-american cowboy, Daniels keeps a full range of equines on his ranch including American Quarter Horses. An interesting fact is that one of his horses is named after Dolly Parton!
Continue reading …“We have about 785 stalls sold,” Gale Little says. “We may have five or six stalls left, so yes, we are at just about a sell out! Move in started the day before yesterday, and Larry said there were people and horses everywhere and steady traffic of more trailers arriving.”
Continue reading …Congratulations goes to all of the newly-crowned World Champions including Christopher Strong with All That Charisma, who took home a win in AM Jr Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type. Scoring another big win for APHA stallion All Time Fancy was All About The Swing with Anne Rosen aboard in AM Sr – Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type. The streak continued in AM Elite – Disciplined Rail English, ST/HN Type with a win for All Or Nothin and Connie Robertson.
Continue reading …Thanks to an improved show schedule, lucrative NQHL special events, NSBA futurities, shortened halter schedule, and fun social events, the 2014 Big A and Stars and Stripes is on track to become one of the best in the event’s history!
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