Seven horse and rider teams gathered in the arena, with their trusty helpers and wheelbarrows full of tack and clothing, to try to become the 2014 Versatility Champion and winner of $500 in cold, hard cash.
Continue reading …This year, Parker defended her title and was named the unanimous World Champion in the class, making her devoted daddy and horse trainer, Olin Parker, very proud.
Continue reading …Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Open Western Pleasure Results: 1- Sharnai Thompson/Rock County Kid- $10,069.50, 2- Lara Yungclas/Gettin Pretty- $7,911.75, 3-Courtney Borton/Her Royale Hotness- $6,113.62, 4- Michelle Bauer/Fightin Off Sleep- $3,596.25, 5-Linda Berwick/Sleep N I Know It- $3,236.63
Continue reading …“The exhibitors like to be able to watch the other association’s classes during their prime events. Everyone, regardless of ApHC or APHA membership, has a common interest, the horse, so being in an environment like this is a great experience.”
Continue reading …“At 9:30 on September 23rd, my horse started gushing blood as our vet was on the way to scope. She told me, from the car, that she had a feeling she knew what it was, but she needed to scope to be positive.”
Continue reading …The Cross-Country Challenge ride began in San Francisco, CA, on June 1st and will finish in Portsmouth, NH on July 22nd. Over the course of the journey, Paul and his companions will bike a total of 3,845 miles. As of yesterday, Paul is at the 1,725 mile mark.
Continue reading …“All we need is the weather to cooperate just a little bit,” Powers says. “We’re pumping everything. We even have the fire department here.”
Continue reading …If breakover is too far out of kilter in a normal foot, there will be extra strain on some part of the foot or leg. “A person can go too far, which would alter the natural gait of the horse,” Burns says. People often try to alter gait to suit their purposes in a specific discipline.
Continue reading …If you’ve always dreamed of hearing Bob Barker say that famous Price Is Right catch phrase, “You’ve won a brand new car!,” the 2014 Reichert Celebration is giving you that chance!
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