The Arizona Quarter Horse Association has listened to exhibitors’ feedback and is excited to announce that we have changed the Fall Championship dates to October 6-11, 2015.
Continue reading …The highlight of the event was the SOQHA Scholarship Challenge, which presented $7,000 to winners.
Continue reading …“You could push your finger in it, and it was like pushing into a sandbag. The impression would stay,” said Fiss.
Continue reading …“If you have the love for it, don’t give it up. God willing, I will be in the show ring again.”
Continue reading …“We had our wonderful Exhibitors’ Party on Friday night with a meal of NC Eastern BBQ and fried chicken with vegetables and dessert. We had a DJ, mechanical bull, and door prizes too. “
Continue reading …When competitors weren’t in the show pen, they could be found enjoying fun social events like the Cowboy Easter Service with a free Easter breakfast or taking a relaxing afternoon hike in the surrounding valley. This easygoing atmosphere carried over into riders’ attire and the club’s no banding suggestion for horses, hence the “No Silver, No Sequins” concept.
Continue reading …With class sizes reaching upwards of 46 in Senior Trail, 46 in 14-18 Showmanship, and 40 in Amateur Showmanship, madness is certainly an appropriate description of the show that racked up an incredible 9,000 entries for all judges and all divisions during the four-day event.
Continue reading …We are again awarding Harris work saddles to the Champions in both Western Pleasure classes. A special thanks to The Equine Chronicle for contributing a third Harris work saddle and to Micki and Sher, The Tack Room Incorporated, for again donating a Pessoa English saddle.
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