If you don’t mind being flung through the air by 1,800 pounds of snorting bovine brawn, then riding a 16 hand Quarter Horse must be a stroll in the park. Even though bull riding and hunt seat riding are different, trainer Andrey Ferreir approaches both the same. “Riding a bull is 90% mental, and showing a horse is 90% mental,” Andrey says. “If you can stay cool and focused, you’ll do alright.” His crossover approach is certainly working for him, as his success in the AQHA show arena attests.
Continue reading …New classes added for 2015 are Youth and Amateur Ranch Riding and Novice Select Western Pleasure and Horsemanship.
Continue reading …It has been a whirlwind year for competitor, judge, breeder, trainer, and coach Jarrell Jackson, Equine Manager at Three Nails Ranch in Cisco, Texas. Two years ago, he joined ranch owners Billy and Suzonne Franks to expand their Halter horse operation at the sprawling 1,800 acre-ranch just west of Fort Worth, TX. Jarrell brought a solid background in horses to the table along with a Bachelor of Science degree in Equine Studies – Reproduction. His extensive knowledge of horses stems from a life of observation and involvement in all aspects of the industry.
Continue reading …While watching a recap of the first round of the NFL draft on ESPN this morning, there was an interview with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell that was quite interesting. Being the head of the most popular sport in America certainly comes with its challenges. Goodell was asked a few questions relating to the scandals that rocked the NFL in 2014-15 such as Deflategate, violence by players against women, Aaron Hernandez’ murder trial, and drug use. He answered all with the direct responses and aplomb you would expect from the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation.
Continue reading …“The most important thing I’ve learned from my mom is that no matter how big or small the show, whether we win or not, we do this for fun. Always be thankful for the opportunity and the time spent with our family and friends.”
Continue reading …Rain has been falling here in drought stricken California, and I think it has been a metaphor for what has been going on out of the show pen for me.
Continue reading …“We realized very early on that we had a unique horse, so we started the search for a name that would truly describe this special, young stallion. ‘The Rock’ says it all – rock solid foundation, rock solid confirmation, rock solid movement, and a rock solid mind.”- Scott Frye
Continue reading …The theme of the 2015 Tunica Color Bonanza was all about taking a gamble, placing a bet, rolling the dice, and hoping that the odds fall in your favor.
Continue reading …Dr. Granat has worked with Olympic gold medalists, professional golfers, tennis pros, and elite young athletes, but his work with equestrians and jockeys is what we found most intriguing…
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