13 and Under Horsemanship saw a few familiar faces in the winner’s circle. Caroline Nielson rode Sensational Dee to the win and was followed by Rebecca Figueroa with Just Say Whoa in Reserve.
Continue reading …The first two Horsemanship World Champions of the 2015 AjPHA Youth World Show have been named, and they are Rebecca Figueroa with Just Say Whoa and Kate Petrusse with Specially Vested.
Continue reading …Today, Kassandra Jones claimed the first place spot once again and Mallory Vroegh was named the Reserve World Champion on her other horse, Only Good Intentions. Vroegh also rode Some Sweet Machine to a tenth place finish in the class.
Continue reading …After more than 15 years out of the show pen, I can’t tell you how nervous I was. It was one of my first Showmanship classes at a big show, Sun & Surf. My knees were shaking so visibly that I’m sure all the judges could tell, reminisces Larisa Affeldt, an AQHA amateur from Spokane, Washington.
Continue reading …The 14-18 Western Riding saw a veteran return to the winner’s circle. Last year’s winning team, Mackenzie Preston and Brokers Lucky Kid, were named the World Champions once again.
Continue reading …14-year-old Rebecca Figueroa rode her 8-year-old gelding, Just Say Whoa, to win Novice Youth Trail 13 and Under in unanimous fashion. Figueroa and “Chevy” just came off a very successful Pinto World Championship Show where they were named 13 and Under Overall High Point Champions.
Continue reading …On September 26, 1997, Debi Metcalfe made the shocking discovery that her horse, Idaho, had been stolen from her North Carolina home. The event rocked her family to the core. She recalls, “People think this can’t happen to them. The truth is, it can happen to anyone. Idaho’s theft affected every member of my family. I realized just how deeply it impacted our whole life when I was riding in the car with my nine-year-old son and he asked if people who steal horses steal children, too.”
Continue reading …“With my horse, I knew the extended trot up to the judge, in the finals pattern, and the back were great maneuvers for her.”
Continue reading …With the exception of Leadline, Walk-Trot Showmanship is probably one of the most watched classes held here at the AjPHA Youth World Championship Show. Some of the tiniest competitors, aged five through ten, get all dressed up in their horse show finery to tackled a pattern, on foot, with their trusty equine partners.
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