Equine Piroplasmosis (EP), also called babesiosis, is a blood-borne parasitic infection in horses transmitted primarily by ticks. It is caused by two protozoa that live in red blood cells. It affects horses, donkeys, mules and zebras. The protozoa that can cause EP are Theileria equi and Babesia caballi.
Continue reading …Thwack! The sudden darkness makes your head spin. Time slows in the initial state of shock, allowing a surreal mix of thoughts to run simultaneously, all underlined by the steady and sinking knowledge that you’re hurt, and it’s serious….
Continue reading …Paying attention to every detail is imperative when competing at a World Show. To me, a perfectly shaped hat and freshly shined boots are absolute necessities before entering the show pen! As
Continue reading …“The steward program, in its current state, will be dissolved to allow the new program to be built from the ground up,” said Alex Ross, AQHA senior director of judges and stewards.”
Continue reading …A disturbing feature of American taxes is the way some states tax the income of its residents earned both within and outside the state, as well as income earned within the state by nonresidents. Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard CEO and now presidential candidate, filed 17 state income tax returns last year. Many Americans file multiple state income tax returns in states where they do not live or work, but where they own a business or have income-producing activities. Ordinarily, the home state will allow residents a credit on income taxes paid to other states.
Continue reading …When it comes to determining whether mercury is a threat, the conclusion is still just as divided with respect to horse vaccines as the human controversy.
Continue reading …People often ask, “What happens when he beats you?” We are a team… when he wins, I win. But, of course I don’t “like” getting beat. That just means I have to up my game!
Continue reading …Why do we go to horse shows? For the joy of showing our horses? The camaraderie of being with friends and family? The thrill of competition? The Equine Chronicle brought together a panel of exhibitors and trainers to discover some of their favorite things at the horse show.
Continue reading …“Appaloosas have always been noted for their versatility, and the segue into the Dressage arena came quite naturally,” says Appaloosa enthusiast and previous Devon competitor Dr. Ted Zajac. “Appaloosas have been winning on the line and under saddle at Dressage at Devon since the 1980s with horses like GJ’s Justacen, Faith In Plaudit, King Goer, Fait Accompli, Amaya, Pin Up Dream, and Percussion winning top placings in large classes of Warmbloods.”
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