The fourth annual All American Quarter Horse Congress Welcome Parade, featuring officials on horseback, mounted law enforcement units from around the region, youth roping competitors, mechanical bulls, rodeo clowns, and more will take place tomorrow, October 7, 2015 in Downtown Columbus.
Continue reading …A Japanese proverb reads “Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.” Since this line was written several centuries ago, we could probably modernize it by adding, “with loyalty being its motor.”
Continue reading …Be on the lookout for a dynamic team coming to the AQHA majors this fall, Morgan Brehm and her 2006 Invitation Only gelding, Invitemeforchocolate. Morgan and “Shaggy” have been a team for two years now, but she considers 2015 to be her first competitive year in the big leagues with her new partner. Just recently, at the 2015 NSBA World Show, the pair took Reserve Champion honors in Novice Amateur Trail.
Continue reading …The 2016 SmartPak AQHA West Level 1 Championships will return to Las Vegas, April 20-24. The 2016 Nutrena AQHA East Level 1 Championships is slated for May 4-8 in Raleigh, North Carolina, with the newly added 2016 AQHA Central Level 1 Championships April 13-17 in Oklahoma City.
Continue reading …Perhaps the most exciting news about this year’s competition is that Coughlin Automotive of Ohio will be presenting the 2015 Congress Queen with a two-year lease of a beautiful, black, 2016 Chevy Cruze!
Continue reading …The three-week long event begins today and will continue through October 25th at the Ohio Expo Center and State Fair in Columbus, Ohio. The Equine Chronicle is proud to be a longtime sponsor of the Congress and, most notably, the presenting sponsor of the Congress Masters 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure and Masters 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle premier events.
Continue reading …Instead of cutting off his airway trying to close a too-tight collar by buttoning, use a mane band for an adjustable closure. Attach the band around one side of the button, twist a time or two to adjust the length, then slide through button hole, and hook back around the button. The tie will cover up the rubber band. Voila!
Continue reading …“The chain should be short enough that it should not be doubled over on the off-side when snapping it to the throat latch ring. The snap should be facing out, and you should only have three links of chain showing by your hand where you hold the shank. Your hand should never be on the chain when showing!”
Continue reading …“Our goal as a show committee is to have the Survivors’ class be bigger than the Memorial class, and we’ve got a way to go.”
Continue reading …In the Trail arena, the numbers were up as well with 42 entries in Sr Trail. A combination of challenging obstacles including difficult wagon wheels, bridges, back-ups to gates, and serpentines gave riders and horses a workout for World Shows ahead.
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