“I was surprised!” she says. “I literally practiced one day before this at home. Then, we practiced this morning, and I just did it.”
Continue reading …“I want to let you in on a secret too… Ross loves this horse! I think they are buddies.”
Continue reading …Tom Robertson was at the lead of the Congress Champion in Yearling Stallions, I Am Relentless, for owner Lea Ann Koch. The Reserve Champion was Mitch Leornarski with Epic, who was also the Limited Champion in the class. Third place was Dewey Smith with First N Command. Fourth was Todd Grant with El Pistolaro. Fifth was Michael Booker with PTMA Starlusion. This team was also the Reserve Limited Champion.
Continue reading …In an effort to encourage and reward the concept of form-to-function, AQHA introduced Performance Halter classes in 2007. Since their inception, they have steadily gained popularity and are now some of the largest classes at shows across the United States. Performance Halter was designed to reward performance horses that are conformationally correct and structurally sound.
Continue reading …Dressed head to toe in electric green, Miss Kendall Hoffman certainly wasn’t afraid of the spotlight during her Congress debut in Small Fry Western Pleasure. This afternoon, 10-year-old Hoffman piloted her 12-year-old gelding, Rcees Version, aka “RC,” to win her first Congress Championship title in spectacular fashion.
Continue reading …“She’s very balanced and she’s feminine looking, but she’s got a lot of mass and body to her. She fits what we like in a Halter horse.”
Continue reading …“The whole time I’m thinking, ‘Don’t tick. Don’t tick. You’ve got this.’ Then, when it’s clean, I can take a breath of relief.”
Continue reading …EquineChronicle.com is now LIVE and onsite at the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio and will be delivering daily coverage from around the rings in the form of candid photo galleries, interviews with big winners, timely results via our The Equine Chronicle Facebook page, original feature articles, fun video clips, and so much more!
Continue reading …“Ag-gag” is the term used to describe anti-whistleblower laws that apply within the agriculture industry. About half a dozen states have passed laws to criminalize surreptitious filming of alleged abuses of animals on farms and ranches. These laws are an attempt to prevent undercover investigative reporting or whistleblowing by employees, and to suppress the use of the videos to build support for stronger penalties for the abuse of cows, chickens, hogs or other animals. Ag-gag laws are justified as a way of preventing interference with agricultural production.
Continue reading …If you’re active in the horse industry and enjoy competing at some of the nation’s largest breed circuits, chances are you’ve attended a show put on by the team at Mark Harrell Horse Shows, which routinely handles more than 100,000 AQHA entries annually.
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