An Equine Production The Orange Blossom Classic, April 24-30, 2023, will be held at Bob Thomas Equestrian Center at Tampa State Fairgrounds. Judges for the event: Brad Kearns, Chris Thompson, Mike Weaver, Jimmy Daurio, Teresa Sullivan, Bennie Sargent, Dawn Kreakie, Gayle Lampinen, Jeff Mellott, Lynda Danielson, Jamie Dowdy, Derek Hanscome, and David Connors. This show will feature […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Every year, the Arizona Paint Horse Club exhibitors participate in a tradition at their January Paint O Rama: their annual costume contest. Though it has evolved over many years in Copper Country POR’s time in Tucson, Arizona, from a Trainer Showmanship fundraiser charity, with a calcutta auction, to an fundraiser for local […]
Continue reading …Amazing things can happen when dedicated horsemen come together to support a new initiative. This past year, five well-respected professionals in the industry–Craig Burkhard, Larry Chastain, Jim Isley, Cathy Sasser, and Brent Harnish were brought together as founding members of the American Tobiano Horse Association (ATHA). This group of dedicated horsemen took a hard look at the future of the equine industry with the goal of developing a roadmap geared toward maintaining the integrity and viability of the Tobiano horse while supporting and sustaining the equine industry.
Continue reading …The G-Man and Charlie are visiting with all our EC friends at the Florida Gulf Coast show! See the entire gallery of photos below:
Continue reading …NSBA Beginning January 1, 2023, NSBA’s new home will be in Texas. All correspondence can be directed to: 120 Mesa Street Weatherford, TX 76086 We look forward to serving our membership from the heart of horse country!
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Morgan Miller is the proud new owner of No Question Im Lazy, aka Jethro, a 2012 AQHA bay gelding by Lazy Loper and out of My Invested Machine. The gelding, sold to Morgan by Lauren Graves, has a much-celebrated history of World Championship success in numerous events, including Western Pleasure, Trail, […]
Continue reading …Silver Dollar The Silver Dollar Circuit happens February 24th – March 1st, 2023, at South Point Equestrian Center in Las Vegas! Silver Dollar is honored to host the NSBA Fundraiser for the Crisis Fund on Sunday, February 26, from 3pm to 5pm. Come join us at “Cocktails & Conversation for a Cause” for munchies and special martinis! […]
Continue reading …Friday, December 31st at the 2022 APHC Copper Country Paint O Rama saw two show rings of action, ranging from Western Pleasure to Trail, Western Riding, Western Horsemanship, and Ranch events. December POR judges: A-Brendan Brown (MO) NSBA, B-Dave Denniston (CO) NSBA, C-Bob Kail (AZ) NSBA, D-Keith Longacre (OK) NSBA. January POR judges (judging Trail as […]
Continue reading …The 2022 Florida Gold Coast Show in Tampa was a much anticipated show for a country that was covered in snow in many places! One of the few respites, Florida, welcomed exhibitors December 27-31, 2022, at the Bob Thomas Equestrian Center for 6 AQHA Shows and 2 NSBA Shows. Judge Pool: Jill Newcomb, Murray Griggs, Jimmy Daurio, […]
Continue reading …Happy New Year’s Day to Everyone, and Happy Birthday to all our horses, who turn one year older today! Thank you to the Arizona Paint Horse Club and to Brian and Jeri-Lou Biggs for the image of Arapped In Black, aka “Hallie,” enjoying her own piece of birthday cake at the APHC annual birthday cake […]
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