See the first set of G-Man photos from Back to Berrien here:
Continue reading …The TQHA Reg II Dogwood Classic, presented by TQHA Region II, took place June 15-18, 2023, in Harriman, Tennessee. It was a 5 Judge AQHA S/C Show & NSBA, with Judges Kendra Weis, Lisa Moden, Tammy Braham, Sissy Anderson, and Jamie Dowdy. Thanks to TQHA Reg II and Topline Event Management, we have your high points and […]
Continue reading …The Cap Gun Circuit just wrapped up after its 4-day show from June 14 to June 18, 2023, at New Holland Pavilion in Madison, Wisconsin. It offered 6 AQHA Shows and 2 NSBA Shows, and it was WQHA and NEWQHA approved, with judges Leonard Berryhill, Jessica Gilliam, Chris Thompson, Jennifer Goss, Kim Leiter, and Curtis Reynolds. […]
Continue reading …The G-Man has arrived in Berrien Springs! See his first set of 100+ photos below:
Continue reading …An EC Blog By Vanessa Froman When prepping for the world show, one needs a history lesson field trip. Jenell Pogue Performance Horses took us to the legendary BSB Quarter Horses where we got to meet the incomparable Too Sleepy To Zip – Collin tried setting him up for our picture…the girls laughed…it’s habit. I’m […]
Continue reading …We are heartbroken to share the news of the passing of Monte Horn. Our deepest condolences to his wife, Anna, to Terry and Stacey Kull of Kull Ranch, and to all the Horn’s clients, family, and friends. Gordon Downey has compiled a gallery of some of his favorite photos of Monte below:
Continue reading …By EC Intern Tierney Horton “People think you need to just get stuff done, but people need their hearts taken care of, that is the deeper purpose of us coming. To make sure their heart is ok.” – Faith Dantona. On their missions around the world, the Dantona family has garnered a unique perspective […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Every year when March to the Arch comes around, everyone eagerly awaits the news of the top teams and payouts from the slot classes, the challenges, and the added money classes. The excitement at the arena itself is beyond compare. The organizers of the show, Doug and Tara Landon, have already been […]
Continue reading …We are very glad to see and hear that many of our Pinto World Show friends are home or safely on their way! Thanks to Ashton Brandt, our EC reporter in the field who has been bringing us candid photos from Pinto World, we have a surprise for you! Ashton reports that many of the […]
Continue reading …JUNE 17, 2023 BY NRHA The 6666 National Reining Horse Association Derby presented by Markel is in full swing at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. While the aged-event rocks the Jim Norick Coliseum, NRHA-approved classes are held in the Adequan® Arena. The first of the ancillary champions were crowned Friday, setting the bar high for […]
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