Form to Function – the phrase is heard far and wide, an ideal that’s desired by all, yet perfected by only those with a keen eye for the overall picture.
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Any time people are eager to talk about a horse, you know that horse is a good one, and that’s exactly the case for Ima Lazy Cowboy, who just gained a new partner, Taylor Bates. “Cowboy,” a 2013 sorrel AQHA gelding by No Doubt Im Lazy and out of Huntin A Cowboy […]
Continue reading …On Sunday at WestWorld, every arena was busy with action, from IEA competition to an APHA regional show to several arenas for Arizona Fall Championship exhibitors. See the candid gallery here: The Ranch division at the Arizona Fall Championship is always a huge draw, and exhibitors such as Dr. Kaitlyn Bowen shifted to the discipline […]
Continue reading …Saturday at the Arizona Fall Championship, Rose Amala and Pawn Star won their L1 Youth Western Horsemanship circuit, which is a big deal since Rose moved up to loping just this year! See what Rose has done to improve as she moved up, and how she keeps on top of her skills living a long […]
Continue reading …Saturday at the Arizona Fall Championship, Rose Amala and Pawn Star won their L1 Youth Western Horsemanship circuit, which is a big deal since Rose moved up to loping just this year! See what Rose has done to improve as she moved up, and how she keeps on top of her skills living a long […]
Continue reading …On Saturday at the Arizona Fall Championship, Connie Holtz and If It Aint Dixie won their L1 Amateur Western Pleasure circuit, followed by Jeff Burley winning the Senior Western Pleasure with “Frannie!” Western Pleasure is a new discipline for Connie, she explains in our EC TV video, and it involves more than just sitting there! […]
Continue reading …On Friday at the 2023 Arizona Fall Championship, Kristi Perea and CPrealsureshestheone won both their L1 Showmanship Circuit and their Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Circuit! Watch Kristi’s EC TV video to see why the showmanship win was such an accomplishment for this team! It’s even more special for Kristi, who had taken a 20-year hiatus from […]
Continue reading …On Friday at the 2023 Arizona Fall Championship, Maria Salazar and RL Suddenly Lopin earned their Circuit Championship in Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation! We asked Maria, who rides with Shannon McCulloch, to provide viewers with two strategies she uses to strengthen her Equitation patterns. Watch our EC TV video to reveal those strategies!
Continue reading …On Friday at the Arizona Fall Championship, Keira Manns and Hocus Pocus Flame won the 11 & Under Showmanship Circuit. Since she had to complete two patterns to win the circuit, we asked Keira which pattern she preferred. “I really liked the first one, I felt like I had it memorized and I felt like I […]
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